FAILURE, IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS... - 5 in English Motivational Stories by Devanshi Kanani books and stories PDF | FAILURE, IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS... - 5

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It’s in trend nowadays among teenagers and influencers. Everyone here and there saying the same thing, “NEVER GIVE UP”, “WINNER NEVER QUITE AND QUITTER NEVER WINS”. The way of saying is a bit different every time, but the gist is always the same. When I was in high school, I was. Also, outline “NEVER GIVE UP” on my wall. I set it as so, it can directly strike my eyes and a message can reach my brain that giving up is not for me. I should do more to achieve a particular thing.

The first thing that I see in the morning and the last thing before going to bed is the same – that picture saying “NEVER GIVE UP”. When I was graduating, by that time I realized how wrong I am and a sudden thought pop up in my mind. Okay, NEVER GIVE UP, UNTIL……..? And, obviously I don’t have an answer. T hen I started to work on it, and I was shocked with the results. Whatever I got during that is sum up in next few pages.

It’s always your choice to start anything. It’s only you who stuck to that choice. Then why can’t you choose to give up on that choice? Why do external factors matter to you? When you’re here tells you to give up, your brain pops up with an illogical argument. Oh lord!! I want to give up. Will society accept me? What people will think of me? But believe me; you have a fair chance to give up. By the end of this chapter, your concept will be crystal cleared. And you will know what you want from life? Or, is it worth giving up? And, what’s the right time to give up?


Vince Lombardi says quitters never win and winners never quit. Really? The popular saying reaches our ears at least once a month especially before exams. I mean actually, the winner doesn’t quit? I don’t think so. Mr. Goldin says, “They just quit the right stuff at the right time.” Yes!! They do quiet. They quit all the time. Now, the question is how do winners make difference? Winners are the ones among us only. What makes difference in them is they just do different things differently. If they can do why can’t we? Remember, there are a slight line difference between winners and strugglers. What you have to do is find that and make a difference.Here I have a million dollars policy for you that are used by winners.

They truly understand the value and importance of limited resources. Time, money, energy and willpower are very limited resources anyone can have. If you use up it on the wrong things, definitely you will be pushed in to great losses. And, you can’t fill up your store again with those kinds of stuff. So far you may get money and energy back. But, time and willpower can’t you get back.

They cut their losses. That’s the secret code where winners win by quitting. They cut their losses. They understand their resources and valued them. So, do they know what they have to do? What are the matters of prime importance for them? They figure it out. Focus on them, make a remarkable stand and ultimately win that’s all by quitting.

They understand opportunity cost. The popular saying “opportunity will never knock on your door twice” is a million-dollar strategy for them. They understand the cost to miss an opportunity. They can easily find a slight difference between their priority list and opportunity. Amazingly, they have a great balance between them. And this is how they make difference.

Let me give you some examples of the most successful companies. They have started down a completely different path than the one that made them successful. a YouTube started as a dating site. Slack started as a video game a Groupon started as a social platform a Shopify started as an online snowboard equipment store. Twitter started as a podcast company. Starbucks started as a store selling espresso makers and coffee beans. Nokia started as a paper mill. Flicker started as an RPG aka an online role-playing game. Suzuki started as a producer of weaving loom machines.

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