Babugosha an Indian pear in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Babugosha an Indian pear

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Babugosha an Indian pear

Babugosha is known as Nash,,an Indian Pear or common pear It's scientific name is Pyrus communis L.Genus Pyrus Species communis.It is a member of the order Rosales family Rosaceae.
Indian Pear or common pear fruit is called Babugosha ( बाबूगोशा/ बब्बूगोशा) in Hindi, Babupocha(બબુપોચા) in Gujarati and Amratphal (अमृत फल ) in Sanskrit because of its beneficial impact on human health.
Pyrus communis, commonly called European pear or common pear, is a parent of a large number of pear cultivars grown for fruit production.
Pear is native to North America, Western Europe, Asia and China. Pear is described as a 'gift of God' by the Greek poet Homer.
Pear tree is a medium size deciduous tree which can grow upto 10-12 meter. It can reach upto maximum height of 14 meter if planted in ground.Initially for 1-2 year take care of plants by protecting it from scorching sun. Apply any organic manure or fertilizer once in a month during the initial 1-2 years, so that plant will become more healthy. After that add manure before one month of flowering seasons.

Blooming season- The flowering season start from end of January to February. Sometimes it may vary based on climate of particular area.
Fruiting time: Edible fruiting will start after 3-4 year after planting
Babugosha fruit is a medium-sized deciduous fruit.Babugosha is a variety of Indian Pears with green shaded skin and a bottle-like shape. It is a sweet, crunchy and gentle seasoned organic can be eaten with its green skin.
It is a moderate, delicious fruit with a fibrous interior. The fruits are high in antioxidants and flavonoids.
In Ayurveda, Babugosha is used as a herbal fruit. It is claimed to treat various ailments and provide several health advantages to its consumers. Babugosha fruit can be eaten fresh, turned into juice, or used as a component in cuisine. However, many individuals prefer to drink its juice immediately soon for the sake of convenience.

*Difference between Nashpati and Babugosha
Nashpati & Babughosa are all from the pear family.
Babugosha is soft whereas nashpati is a little hard.
Nashpati :
Nashpati means pear in English .The flavour of the nashpati is sweet and sour.
In appearance, it is tougher
The seeds are massive bigger.Fruits are less expensive and contain more vitamin C

The Babugosha has a pleasant flavour and taste.It is soft in consistency.The seeds are smaller than nashpati seeds.Fruits are relatively more expensive and provide less vitamin C than nashpati.

Babugosha is a variety of Pear . Babugosha is a Soft pear packed with Vitamins C and K, iron,copper, magnesium, potassium, natural fructose, protein, and fibre This juicy pear is a delight to eat.

How to eat?
Eating two pears every day meets your fruit needs as outlined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. fruit product . These are best eaten fresh and can be sliced and added to ice creams and milkshakes.
Nash or Babugosha fruit is one of the most loved fruits worldwide. Also known as a pear in foreign countries, this fruit is known for its taste and health benefits. But the quality of the Babugosha fruit consumed has a great role to play in many cases. Make sure that you select the best pears for consumption.
There are 58 calories in one serving of Babugosha Pear of 100 grams.

Babugosha has 3.1 g of fibre, or 8% of the daily intake, per its nutritional content. Babugosha fruit is beneficial for weight loss.

However you choose to eat them, remember to include the skin to get the most nutrients. Pears are widely available particularly during monsoon season in Indian market and easy to add to your diet. You can eat them whole with the skin on or incorporate them into main dishes.
Babugosha fruit can be eaten fresh, turned into juice, or used as a component in cuisine. However, many individuals prefer to drink it immediately soon for the sake of convenience.
Babbugosha are juicy, soft pears. They are shaped like a teardrop that is rich in essential antioxidants, plant compounds, and dietary fibre. It is sweet, soft, buttery and has a grainy texture of the cream-coloured flesh. It is a great healthy snack option that is full of fibre..

Benefits of Fruit Babu Gosha:

(1) Babugosha fruit is a rich source of fibre. Babugosha has 3.1 g of fibre, or 8% of the daily intake, per its nutritional content.
The fibre-rich fruit helps fights constipation.

(2) Babugosha fruit is beneficial for weight loss. Naturally, fruit Babugosha is highly suggested as a weight loss diet due to its low-fat content. A pear a day can keep the weight at bay By adding this yummy fruit to your daily diet, there is science that suggests it may help you lose weight.

(3) Fruit Babugosha aids digestion Fruit babu gosha is said to aid digestion and cleanse the colon. Babugosha fruit is full of fibre and the fibre content of Babugosha fruit is 3.1 g.

(4) The fruit Babugosha is used to relieve fever. In Ayurveda, Babugosha fruit is regarded as an effective natural cure for fever. During therapy, the patient is recommended to consume more fruits, particularly those high in nutrients, such as Babu gosha.

(5) Babugosha fruit aids in blood pressure regulation. Pear is a source of potassium. The potassium content of a medium-sized Babugosha is reported to be 116 mg. Potassium is beneficial for managing heart rate and ensuring that muscles function effectively.
(6) Babugosha also possesses anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant effects

(7) The fruit Babugosha is used to relieve fever. In Ayurveda, babugosha fruit is regarded as an effective natural cure for fever.

(8)Babughosa fruits during pregnancy are ideal as they contain high amounts of folic acid. They are vital in preventing neural tube defects in babies and brain development.

(9) Pears improve kidney health
Pears are low in sodium, which can help prevent kidney disease. Kidney disease prevents your body from being able to properly balance sodium and water in the body. One study found that pears protected patients from kidney stones because of their high malic acid content.

(10) We also know that pears can help control blood sugar and lower your chances of Type II diabetes and stroke. Glycemic index of Indian pear is quite low that is 30.They can even help you digest food better. And, as a bonus, they're a good way to make you feel like you've had a small treat with some added nutrition.
Asian pears are a particularly good type to nosh on, since they contain only about 9 grams of sugar and boast the satisfying crunch of an apple.
The glycemic load (GL) of pear (fresh fruit) is equal to 4.7, which classifies it as a low GL food.It is low GI and low GL food diet .

(11) Some species of Babugosha are also very beneficial for our livers. They increase the formation of hepatocytes i.e liver cells.
This article is for general information and contact your health care taker for advice.

So dear viewers eat Babugosha and stay healthy.

Information compiled by Dr Bhairavsinh Raol