The Time Depreciation Evan universe breaths by sun light . in English Science by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | The Time Depritiation

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The Time Depritiation

Wel come to the universe once again. And still last episodes we refered that how time become a smaller then it's past and long before.and many more .

But here we will discuss about ,how stones tampratures and it's pik depend to the days longers and shorts .

I mean ,how we haves hear on earth ,a tampratures of fourty to forty degree approx as per the rule of twenty four hours .

But if, suppose we haves here a day of thirty hours or sixtyn hours then ,what tampratures would be here on our star!!!!

Ok forgate, now let's move on to moon,and take a look that what tampratures ,moon haves during day and night too!!

So ,wel come to moon!!!

Ok, forget this thing also ,and before , to discus that thing I would like to show you some thing on moon .

In the center of moon now ,here is existing three lakes,

One of them is aprox of older one thousand years, secand is of two hundradw years old and third is of hundrrade years old.

But surprisingly iwold like to say you by સ્વેર ,that this thrise lakes were locating on moon some another ware before of now.
I mean before fifty years one of them was locating at the down of old crater mount .
Secand was locating in the bake of it and third was at womb shape lend.

Now question is made that how this possible!!

But friends here Is nothing for to be a strang or wonder .

Becouse moon is the most lowest planet in sollar system in gravitational ability.
And when I started to dig there .
Only justbof three or five feet .then Evan I didn't got water in its earth.
What becouse was there!!!

Nothing is serious of there.
Becouse we look here on earth ,that water is going in deep or our erth,
Just only and only becouse of its gravitational ability.
To pull water in deep also needs a gravitational power .

Which is moon dose not have.

And that's why moon on there moon water is living only in sliding kind ,not in flowing or sticki. I mean a parmenent lakes and all.
Yes ,moon is having only sliding water.
Any way,
Let's take bake to the temperature .

Now what tamprature is actually of our earth having
Ok any way, if you have remembered from એન્ટી gravity fotography that earth and all planets are absorp sun light.
So ,what tampratures at earth stop to absorb sun light or can say ,what is capacity of earth to absorb sun light .

Answer is just only of fiftyn to twenty degree only.

Yet how our planet take pik of hit .of forty to fifty degree.

In last two t.d we discus that days and night s gets shorts

I mean to say after depritiarion

Sollars come smaller and in that way our days and nights also come shorts then ogos .
But here we we have to discus that ,how, sunlights absorbs after temprature come disided.
That what pik at temprature has to get high and when and where it has to low!!!
And ofcourse ,that what insta de if we imagine .
I'mean if we haves day of sixtyn ours only then what temprature would going on here our earth.

All these things in little bit furthers
Till then pls stay tuned.