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You are welcome to the world of inspiring, thrilling and motivating stories written in your own language by the young and aspiring authors on Matrubharti. You will get a life time experience of falling in love with stories.
Chapter: 11: The Conclusion Present day The room was dimly lit, with the faint h...
Chapter 44 Indra's Wrath Indra stood sideways, his colossal elemental form stret...
Trembling Shadows A romantic, psychological thriller Kotra Siva Rama Krishna ...
My name is Aarav, an aspiring writer with dreams as vast as the sky but pockets...
When thirty eight years aged Stuart, an industrialist and unmarried person, expr...
Split Personality A romantic, paranormal and psychological thriller Kotra Siva R...
Uncharted Paths: Navigating Life’s Challenges with Courage and curiosity Introdu...
Chapter: 10 From Shadows to Light Amir’s life became a haunting echo of silence....
The interaction in “A Resurgence of Feelings” reopens a door that Hrishit believ...
Scene: Ananya’s Home – Evening The warm sunset streamed through the kitchen wi...
The Two Lions (Inspiring Short Story about Life) An old Lion sat down to teach his grandson about life. “There’s a fight going on inside me,” he tells the young boy, “a fight...
I am reading the book "The Gift of Life" and I like that book, I am sharing an inspiring chapter of short stories from this book, I hope you will like it.... This book i...
WHAT IS FAILURE ??Do you face failure for at least a single time in your life? Or, do you let me know a single successful person who never failed? I heard you said no, a big NO. My...
We all are well-aware of the power of positive thinking; how it brings us happiness, how it fills our life with confidence and optimism, how it helps stimulate people around us, an...
before we move on this topic we should have get that knows that, how much of this world is covered by mind and how muvh by psychology!some time we come take it fast as a same both...
She distributed everything equally. Did not want to be unfair not suffer injustice. She wrote a complete account on a piece of paper so that Ravi would not feel that she had abscon...
PREFACE ‘Bharatvarsha’ the land of vast culture, heritage and most importantly – the land of valor and courage; has witnessed numerous warriors who never hesitated for a fraction o...
Just four hours ago, where heavy cannons and machine-gun shells were rained, the mountain range of the Himalayas at this time was silent. No words were heard anywhere. The re...
Dedication...? My Lovely Family Friends,We all together dedicate this Novel to, ? THIS WONDERFUL WORLD ? ? Thank You ? Our modern simple life is a wonderful...
The sky was overcast since morning. At first it rained slowly. Then it rained so hard that the light of day was washed away and the darkness of night fell. Strong gusts...
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