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खोट्या सरकारी योजनांचे फसवे जाळे🫢हि घटना एका शेतकऱ्याची आहे, जो उत्तर महाराष्ट्र...
સનત્કુમાર બોલ્યા, “પ્રણવ (ૐ), હૃદય (નમ: ) વિષ્ણુ શબ્દ તથા સુરપતિના અંતમાં ચતુર્થ...
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Love is dangerous with a Stranger (A romantic, investigative and detective thril...
Hello everyone so this is for the first time that I am gonna write a novel . I...
धोखा सुहासिनी उसे लिविंग रूम से निकालकर गलियारे में ले जाने ही वाली थी, तभी पुलि...
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अनुराधा कदम, गातेगाव मधील जिल्हा परिषद शाळेत गेली ८ वर्ष शिक्षिका म्हणून रुजू आहेत. तो त्यांच्या साठी नवा दिवस नव्हता. २:३० ते ३:३० च्या ऑफ तासात चौथीचे गणिताचे पेपर तपासात स्टाफ र...
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Mother: "Rahul, get ready, we're going to the temple." Rahul: "Mom, I don't want to go." Mother: "What do you mean you don't want to go? We go...
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नरेश से आकर एक युवती टकरायी तो उसके हाथ से बेग गिर गया।नरेश बेग उठाने को झुका तो वह युवती भी झुकते हुए बोली,"सॉरी।" "नो मेंशन।आल राइट वह युवती चली गयी लेकिन उसकी मोहि...
Happiness (1) Pain or happiness, always smiling mom, whether night or day, always smiling mom sleeping in wet, keeping me dry, pampering mom, all year along, always smiling mom, wh...
‘અદિતિ ફોકસ કર ફોકસ. તારૂ ડ્રીમ, હજુ એના માટે તારે ભણવાનું છે. એક છોકરાના ચક્કરમાં તારું ભણવાનું ના બગાડ’ આવું અદિતિ પોતાની જાતને કહી રહી હતી. અદિતિ એકદમ નીડર અને ભણવામાં અવ્વલ આવત...
When twenty two years or so aged Evalla felt too much for Viswanadh who was not only a widower, has a twenty six years or so aged daughter but also aged more than double to her; an...
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