it was long ago of millions era were, currancy or symbolic exchanges were not existed.we saying about aryans, whos were having sattel method(sata paddhti )and all most they were not ussing currancy suppose. it was only eliment the crime which makes economy helpless to get down for creat currancys or symbols. if hear on earth is no crime then hear is no made necessity for currancy or symbolic exchanges not evan sattels!! but, one truth is also that, if we are crime less total and also dont have currancy then it will nevar call the socialem.(સોચલેમ) eusy transportations of the currancys are the main cause of orgnaised crime. two eliments are most and highly responsible for associated is multi currncylism and second is uncheakposted transportations of currancy. we can thing of that,crime is suppose first or lonly the eliment which can bring rise of price.above of thirty percent,including revolutional pluses( ).and crime is only the responsible for costleasts above 70 persant.or some more. crime is also can inspirr to society for blak marcketing,duplicating and last pree expired products. there is two categorised options are living with economy. one is,if we want run a globlaisation,so then we have to use a degital currancy the must. and second is if we want run a global communism(the commanlaisation) then we have to use self currancy.i mean to say the anti fungus.i mean a ragisterd currancys for corporate use only.



it was long ago of millions era were, currancy or symbolic exchanges were not existed.we saying about aryans, whos having sattel method(sata paddhti )and all most they were not ussing currancy was only eliment the crime which makes economy helpless to get down for creat currancys or symbols.if hear on earth is no crime then hear is no made necessity for currancy or symbolic exchanges not evan sattels!! but, one truth is also that, if we are crime less total and also dont have currancy then it will nevar call the socialem.(સોચલેમ) eusy transportations of the currancys are ...Read More



now lets take a look at actualy what makes deefrant communism and globlaisation from each other!before of two hundrade three hundrade years tanse it was all most bridg of royelets sunset time. and all most they all royelets were living in lost of their traditional skill of defence and rule in front of british or all most western peopels scintific system or we can say a skill. now lets take a look what was called causing meatal for that revolution.we think of or abouting that modernlisation or communism or can say a indistrial revolution.but this all words and their ...Read More



and once it brought curruption tradution out and situated a systemic under world in front us for just in to us. now has to refar that truth also that why communism called staunch fanatic for its walks!!genraly human aurthodocs had nevar did categury that who call actulu survant!!genraly and all most before democracy and in the walks of royelets there were all,like labour, craftmen and house keepers,counts in as survent peopels.there was no any categury looks any more.and all owner peopels sights them as a survent commenly. and ofcourse,beheving to them as the same.but marklism(marxim) read 'no'. and said ...Read More



now its time to refar that point also that why communism didant get walk longer.we may take rrason for as a globlaisation.but globlaistion was the project of they westarn experts.but which instrument by globlaistion got its start! that is also we refered above ,that there was machinery was the main instrument in walks of communism. as a same super calculater(computar) was the main instrument in walks of globlaisation.after invantion of electricity communism got curige in gathering of machinarys.and after invention of electron globlaisation got cause of its rampants. untill arrives of computer,in communism there was a one kind ...Read More