The story "शारीरिक आकर्षणाचा बळी" discusses the complexities of love, attraction, and societal norms surrounding them. It emphasizes that love is a precious gift in life and a fundamental aspect of human experience. However, it raises concerns about how societal pressures and cultural beliefs can lead individuals to act violently when their desires are unfulfilled. Parents often distance their children from romantic relationships out of fear of societal judgment, which can stifle emotional growth and understanding. By enforcing strict boundaries on interactions between boys and girls, they inadvertently create an environment where curiosity and healthy relationships are suppressed. The narrative highlights the ongoing challenges in contemporary society, where despite being progressive, traditional values still inhibit open discussions about love and sexuality. It stresses the importance of sexual education and communication between parents and children to foster a better understanding of relationships and emotional connections. Ultimately, the story calls for a shift in cultural attitudes to allow for healthier expressions of love and attraction among the youth. आयुष्याचं सारं ( भाग -7) by Komal Mankar in Marathi Fiction Stories 1 2.1k Downloads 4.7k Views Writen by Komal Mankar Category Fiction Stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description शारीरिक आकर्षणाचा बळीजगण्याच्या वर्तुळात प्रेम हे प्रत्येक सजीवाला बहाल केलेली अनमोल देणगी ....प्रेम म्हणजे जीवनाचं मर्म ! त्या वाटेवर मनुष्यानं निरंतर चालतं जावं असं सुखद कर्म ....जेव्हा एखादा मनुष्य आपल्या अतृप्त इच्छेसाठी एखाद्यावर प्राण घातक हल्ला करतो , तेव्हा त्याच्या माणुसकीवर संदेह निर्माण होतो .आपण त्याला क्रूर जनावर किंवा नरभक्षक म्हणून मोकळे होतो . तेव्हा , त्याला जबाबदार तो एकटा नसतोच तर संस्कृतीची थोरवी गाणारे , त्यांना बंधनात अडकविणारा हा समाज ही असतो .प्रेमापासून आपल्या अपत्यांना दूर ठेवणारे आईबाबा . त्यांना वाटतं आपला मुलगा किंवा मुलगी प्रेमात पडले म्हणजे तोंड काळे करून येणार की काय ?आणि तस चुकून माकून Novels आयुष्याचं सारं कृपया ध्यान दिजीए ,मुंबई जाने वाली गाड़ी दो घंटे देरी से चल रही हैं .....प्लॅटफॉर्मवर मी पाय ठेवताच अनाउसमेंट ध्वनी माझ्या कानावर आदळत होता . केव... More Likes This Ishq Mehrba - 1 by Devu बकासुराचे नख - भाग १ by Balkrishna Rane माझे ग्रेट आजोबा by Parth Nerkar रहस्याची नवीन कींच - भाग 8 by Om Mahindre तुझ्या विना उरे ना अर्थ जीवना... - 8 by Sadiya Mulla कोण? - 21 by Gajendra Kudmate खजिन्याचा शोध - भाग 1 by Om Mahindre More Interesting Options Marathi Short Stories Marathi Spiritual Stories Marathi Fiction Stories Marathi Motivational Stories Marathi Classic Stories Marathi Children Stories Marathi Comedy stories Marathi Magazine Marathi Poems Marathi Travel stories Marathi Women Focused Marathi Drama Marathi Love Stories Marathi Detective stories Marathi Moral Stories Marathi Adventure Stories Marathi Human Science Marathi Philosophy Marathi Health Marathi Biography Marathi Cooking Recipe Marathi Letter Marathi Horror Stories Marathi Film Reviews Marathi Mythological Stories Marathi Book Reviews Marathi Thriller Marathi Science-Fiction Marathi Business Marathi Sports Marathi Animals Marathi Astrology Marathi Science Marathi Anything Marathi Crime Stories