The story revolves around a character named Khushiya, who is sitting on a platform near a shop that sells tire and motor parts. He is chewing a betel leaf with black tobacco and lost in thought about an incident that occurred earlier that day. Before sitting on the platform, he visited a girl named Kanta, who recently moved into the area from Bangalore. Curious about her, he knocked on her door, and after identifying himself, he was shocked to see her inside the room nearly naked, covered only by a towel. The story captures Khushiya's surprise and the context of his thoughts as he reflects on the situation while enjoying his betel leaf. ख़ुशिया by Saadat Hasan Manto in Hindi Short Stories 11 3.7k Downloads 18.3k Views Writen by Saadat Hasan Manto Category Short Stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description बनवारी से काले तंबाकू वाला पान लेकर वो उस की दुकान के साथ उस संगीन चबूतरे पर बैठा था। जो दिन के वक़्त टायरों और मोटरों के मुख़्तलिफ़ पुर्ज़ों से भरा होता है। रात को साढे़ आठ बजे के क़रीब मोटर के पुरज़े और टायर बेचने वालों की ये दुकान बंद हो जाती है। और उस का संगीन चबूतरा ख़ूशिया के लिए ख़ाली हो जाता है। Novels मंटो की चुनिंदा कहानियाँ नाज़िम जब बांद्रा में मुंतक़िल हुआ तो उसे ख़ुशक़िसमती से किराए वाली बिल्डिंग में तीन कमरे मिल गए। इस बिल्डिंग में जो बंबई की ज़बान में चाली कहलाती है, नि... More Likes This तीन लघुकथाएं by Sandeep Tomar जब अस्पताल में बच्चा बदल गया by S Sinha आशरा की जादुई दुनिया - 1 by IMoni True Love by Misha Nayra मज़बूत बनकर लौटा समन्दर by LOTUS पाठशाला by Kishore Sharma Saraswat डिप्रेशन - भाग 1 by Neeta Batham More Interesting Options Hindi Short Stories Hindi Spiritual Stories Hindi Fiction Stories Hindi Motivational Stories Hindi Classic Stories Hindi Children Stories Hindi Comedy stories Hindi Magazine Hindi Poems Hindi Travel stories Hindi Women Focused Hindi Drama Hindi Love Stories Hindi Detective stories Hindi Moral Stories Hindi Adventure Stories Hindi Human Science Hindi Philosophy Hindi Health Hindi Biography Hindi Cooking Recipe Hindi Letter Hindi Horror Stories Hindi Film Reviews Hindi Mythological Stories Hindi Book Reviews Hindi Thriller Hindi Science-Fiction Hindi Business Hindi Sports Hindi Animals Hindi Astrology Hindi Science Hindi Anything Hindi Crime Stories