The story revolves around a character named Vinay, who reunites with his friend Prashant after a long time. Prashant notices that Vinay appears sad and tries to engage him in conversation, but Vinay remains withdrawn and doesn't respond to his inquiries about his family or well-being. Prashant senses that Vinay is troubled by memories of someone. After expressing his frustration with Vinay's silence, Prashant tells him that if he doesn't want to share his pain, he should at least tell someone who can help lighten his burden. As Prashant attempts to leave, Vinay calls out to him and, overwhelmed with emotion, embraces him and cries, revealing that despite having everything, he feels a deep void due to the absence of his mother. नि:शब्द - ‘National Story Competition-Jan’ by parashuram mali in Marathi Short Stories 16 1.7k Downloads 7.8k Views Writen by parashuram mali Category Short Stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description स्वामी तिन्ही जगाचा आईविना भिकारी आईच महत्व शब्दात व्यक्त करता येणार नाही. आई आपल्याजवळ असते त्यावेळी आईचे महत्व आपल्याला समजत नाही.पण आई नसते त्यावेळी तिची उणीव आपल्याला जाणवल्याशिवाय राहत नाही.आई आपल्याजवळ नसल्यामुळे आपल्याजवळ गाडी,बंगला,पैसा सर्व असूनही आपल्याला खऱ्या सुखापासून वंचित रहाव लागत. ज्यावेळी आईच्या आठवणीनेचे वादळ मनात घोंगावू लागते त्यावेळी मात्र सगळे असूनही नसल्यासारखे असते. आई हेच सर्व सुखाचे महाद्वार आहे. More Likes This माझ्या गोष्टी - भाग 2 by Xiaoba sagar तीची ओळखं by LOTUS पेहेली तारीख by Vrishali Gotkhindikar कथानक्षत्रपेटी - 2 by Vaishali S Kamble अजून ही बरसात आहे ..... - भाग 2 by Dhanashree Pisal मला स्पेस हवी पर्व २ भाग १ by Meenakshi Vaidya कामीनी ट्रॅव्हल - भाग १ by Meenakshi Vaidya More Interesting Options Marathi Short Stories Marathi Spiritual Stories Marathi Fiction Stories Marathi Motivational Stories Marathi Classic Stories Marathi Children Stories Marathi Comedy stories Marathi Magazine Marathi Poems Marathi Travel stories Marathi Women Focused Marathi Drama Marathi Love Stories Marathi Detective stories Marathi Moral Stories Marathi Adventure Stories Marathi Human Science Marathi Philosophy Marathi Health Marathi Biography Marathi Cooking Recipe Marathi Letter Marathi Horror Stories Marathi Film Reviews Marathi Mythological Stories Marathi Book Reviews Marathi Thriller Marathi Science-Fiction Marathi Business Marathi Sports Marathi Animals Marathi Astrology Marathi Science Marathi Anything Marathi Crime Stories