Cheeku & Whoop Ha Ha: Learn English - Story for Children

English   |   05m 23s

Cheeku and Baa adore the new rose plant. Have they forgotten about the family of Langoor monkeys that pass by every month? Baa loved roses. One day, she bought a rose plant from the nursery in the park. She planted it in a pot and left it in the courtyard, where it had enough light and shade to grow. Every day, Cheeku helped Baa water the plants. In time, there appeared a bud on the plant, which soon blossomed into a splendid rose. The next two mornings, Baa and Cheeku stood admiring their first rose. Excited, Baa rarely left it alone. Cheeku also guarded it like a soldier. Baa was so happy about her rose that she soon forgot about the family of Langoor monkeys that passed by their house every month. Whenever the Langoors visited the house, they would invade the courtyard. Not afraid of humans, the male Langoors would bare their teeth, eating all the vegetables and fruits that Baa had kept in the courtyard. Baa and Cheeku always closed all the doors and stayed inside. Baa often told Cheeku, “After all, they are our ancestors, and so we must respect them.” When the rose was three days old, the Langoor family arrived with cries of “Whoop Ha Ha…” “Whoop Ha Ha…” They took the bananas from the basket and played “catch” by throwing them at each other. Soon, they had eaten them all. Baa and Cheeku were watching them from the kitchen window and did not know how to drive them away. Baa was nervous to see that a big male Langoor was sitting next to her plants and eyeing her favourite rose. Then, he promptly plucked the flower and put it in his mouth. Cheeku noticed that Baa was very sad. When he tried to console Baa, she smiled and explained, “Cheeku, I am not sad. I may have lost the flower, but not the plant. I observed how the Langoor was watching the rose and wondered if he was attracted to its bright colour. I wondered if Langoors could see colour, or if they could smell the fragrance of my beautiful rose.” Baa said laughing, “Cheeku, the fact that you like to eat sweets made with rose petals reminds me of our ancestors – the monkeys who like to eat roses!” Story : Esther David Narration : Maurice Shukla Music : Ladislav Brozman & Riccardo Carlotto Illustration : Emanuele Scanziani Animation : BookBox

Cheeku & Whoop Ha Ha: Learn English - Story for Children