What did you see: Learn English - Story for Children

English   |   02m 38s

Amma is surprised that Meera has seen no animals at the zoo - not a monkey, or lion, or even a giraffe... But why did Meera see no animals there? Her lively mother forgets to ask! What did you see? Story by Nandini Nayar “So,” asked Amma, “What did you see at the zoo?” “Nothing!” said Meera. “What!” said Amma. “Didn’t you see the monkeys jump?” “LIKE THIS?” “No!” said Meera. “Did you hear a lion roar? LIKE THIS?” “No, no!” said Meera. “You must have seen an elephant, swaying its trunk? This way, that way? LIKE THIS?” “N…n…o,” said Meera. “A giraffe with a long neck, eating leaves from a tall tree? LIKE THIS?” “Long neck? No.” “A peacock dancing? LIKE THIS?” “No.” “A crocodile yawning? LIKE THIS?” “No, Amma!” “You went to the zoo today and saw no animals?” Amma asked. “We didn’t go today, Amma! We’re going tomorrow!” “Tomorrow?” said Meera’s Amma… and flopped to the ground like a bear. Story: Nandini Nayar Illustrations: Soumya Menon Music: Jerry Silvester Vincent Animation: BookBox

What did you see: Learn English - Story for Children