Aaloo Maaloo Kaaloo: Learn English - Story for Children and Adults

English   |   02m 41s

One day Maaloo had to get some potatoes from his kitchen garden. Who do you think helped him? Kaaloo, of course! Read about Maaloo’s morning with Kaaloo as they found some ‘Aaloo’! For the very first time, Maaloo is collecting vegetables from the garden. He has collected red tomatoes, long brinjals and green lady’s fingers. Grandma says, \"Well done, Maaloo! Go and get some potatoes too.\" Maaloo looked at all the trees, creepers and plants. He could not see a single potato. “Grandma, the potatoes aren\'t ready yet,” said Maaloo, putting the empty basket down. \"No Maaloo, there are plenty of potatoes. Look carefully,” said Grandma. Maaloo went into the garden once again. Kaaloo the dog followed him. Maaloo was looking for potatoes when he heard, \"Woof! Woof!\" \"Kaaloo! Stop, Kaaloo!\" yelled Maaloo running after him. \"Don\'t ruin the garden.\" Kaaloo was digging away and what do you think came out of the ground? Big fat potatoes! \"Well done, Kaaloo. You found the potatoes!\" laughed Maaloo, filling his basket with potatoes. Illustrations: Kallol Majumder Music: Jerry Silvester Vincent Animation: BookBox

Aaloo Maaloo Kaaloo: Learn English - Story for Children and Adults