The Red Raincoat : Learn English- Story for Children and Adults

English   |   03m 38s

Manu has a new raincoat. He can’t wait to wear it, but the rain makes him wait... and wait... and wait. The Red Raincoat On Sunday, Manu’s parents got him a red raincoat. “Ma, may I wear it now?” asked Manu. “No, my dear, the rain is near, but just now the sky is clear,” said Ma. Monday was bright and sunny. “Mummy, will it rain today?” asked Manu. “No Manu, not today. If you wear your raincoat, you will look quite funny!” replied Ma. On Tuesday, the sky was blue. “Ma, WHEN will my wish come true?” asked Manu. “Not today, my dear, there is just one white cloud in the sky!” said Ma. Wednesday was hot. Manu, asked his mother, “Ma, WHY doesn’t it rain?” “Son, I think it will rain very soon. Maybe even before it is noon,” said Ma. On Thursday Manu went on a picnic. “Ma, what if it rains? Shall I take my raincoat with me?” He asked. “No my dear, it will not rain today. The little white clouds are too high in the sky,” said Ma. Friday was cloudy. “Ma, will it rain today?” Manu asked loudly. “It might, my dear. There are some dark clouds low down in the sky,” said Ma. Saturday began with a bang! Kaboom! \"Ma, is that thunder I hear? Will it rain very soon?\" asked Manu. And then at last, it started raining! “Oh, it’s raining, it’s raining,” sang Manu, running out. “But Manu,” called his mother, running after him, “you forgot your red raincoat!” Illustrations: Zainab Tambawalla Music: Rajesh Gilbert Animation: BookBox

The Red Raincoat : Learn English- Story for Children and Adults