1992 (Horror-Mystery-Magic) - 6 - Mayamma Mayakutty

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CHAPTER 6 Mayamma & Mayakutty ‘Although my conscience whispered a big ‘NO’, my unquenched thirst to know the unknown forced me to read whatever was there in that silk fabric. I started reading. It was written: ‘Among the forests, ‘Agasthyakoodam’ is the one with full of rare and unique medicinal herbs. In this forest you could find plenty of ‘Arugampul’ which has unique medicinal properties’. The name ‘Agasthyakoodam ’made me think and rethink for a long time. Kottarathil Sankaran. Valluvanadu! Wherever you turn you could see only greenery. In the middle of this you could see bamboo trees