O Wandering Mind!

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If a man is going for a long journey, first of all, he must know his final destiny. If he doesn’t know, he will reach nowhere. He will wander hither and thither and lost somewhere. No matter how much and how long he tries to reach. He will lost again and again. In the similar way our life is. We must know the final destiny of our life. There are three stages arrive in our life, first our childhood age, second our young age and third our old age. In every stage of our life we must know our duties and responsibilities. We must know what we’ve to do. We must know what we’re doing. We must know what is good for us. We must know what is right for us. And the most important thing is in which direction we’re heading for. We must know our journey of life and its final destiny. A man lost in his life when he doesn’t know himself, his life and his world. ‘O WANDERING MIND!’….is a well collection of poems that is trying to give the insight of man and his surroundings world. It helps you to rediscover yourself and to know your true-self.