A rookie in the team hawk Who was the most experienced man in captain canal [team hawk] team. His name was nick [the black baron] he had done 38 missions around the globe it was a dark and a stormy night in camp A13 the cap captain walked in the tent and said ‘team we are boarding the US MISSORI BATTLESHIP tomorrow 0600 hours from here to utha beach” The baron was excited to get on a battleship this was his first time on a battleship but he did not know the dire consequences that had to come on the beach THE NEXT DAY He woke up at 0430 hours he found himself nervous as he packed he had packed a kar98k,m1911,mosin nagant sniper and a m1 garand and a copule of grenades and med kits as they entered the battleship he got more exited and nervous the ship had 3 canons in each canons 3 turrets. On the starboard side of the ship was the US flysenhour aircraft carrier which had 35 F4U cosari and 2 B_29 super fortres

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The Black Baron - 1

THE BLACK BARON INDEX CHAPTER ONE PAGE 1 THE RISING CHAPTER TWO PAGE 3 UTHA BEACH CHAPTER THREE PAGE 7 Sainte-Mere-Eglise CHAPTER FOUR PAGE 10 THE DOGFIGHT CHAPTER FIVE PAGE 15 CHAPTER FOUR PAGE 19 CHAPETER 1 THE RISING[OF A HERO] A rookie in the team hawk Who was the most experienced man in captain canal [team hawk] team. His name was nick [the black baron] he had done 38 missions around the globe it was a dark and a stormy night in camp A13 the cap captain walked in the tent and said ...Read More


The Black Baron - 2

THE BLACK BARON II INDEX CH-1 resurrection CH-2 AFB code doom The path towards our doom CH-4 camp Rome CH-5 fire in air CH-6 The plan against DOOM CH-7 My last breath CH-1 resurrection It was an stormy night I was in an snowy forest with piles of snow covering my body I was barely able to breath and move my body I was awake for an hour with my body left render less I lay there with my eyes closed my burns were ...Read More