Dark Spirits book and story is written by Prem Charthad in English . This story is getting good reader response on Matrubharti app and web since it is published free to read for all readers online. Dark Spirits is also popular in Horror Stories in English and it is receiving from online readers very fast. Signup now to get access to this story. Dark Spirits Part - 11 by Prem Charthad in English Horror Stories 1k Downloads 2.8k Views Writen by Prem Charthad Category Horror Stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description The friends find themselves standing in the middle of a bustling street in ancient Egypt. They gaze in awe at the pyramids and temples surrounding them.Rahul: "Whoa, this is incredible! We're actually in ancient Egypt!"Saniya: "I know, right? I've always wanted to visit this era!"Navya: "And look, there are hieroglyphics on the walls!"Ajay: "I can't believe we're actually seeing this in person!"Dr. Maria: "Remember, you're here to observe and learn. Don't interact with the locals too much, or you might disrupt the timeline."Virat: "Got it, Dr. Maria. Let's explore!"As they wander through the city, they come across a group of Novels Dark Spirits In the story, the group of friends, Virat, Ajay, Saniya, Navya, Rahul, and Payal, excitedly gathered around a flickering campfire, their faces illumin... More Likes This The Tales Of Dark Web - 1 by Vaibhav Surolia My President by Emuron shaan Stephen The Exorcism Of Anneliese Michel - 1 by Krishz Dark Spirits Part - 1 by Prem Charthad Demon's Host - 1 by Dev .M. Thakkar The Mystery Of Kalasgiri - 1 by Sanket Gawande Stowaway Soul - 1 by Sunil Kapadia More Interesting Options English Short Stories English Spiritual Stories English Fiction Stories English Motivational Stories English Classic Stories English Children Stories English Comedy stories English Magazine English Poems English Travel stories English Women Focused English Drama English Love Stories English Detective stories English Moral Stories English Adventure Stories English Human Science English Philosophy English Health English Biography English Cooking Recipe English Letter English Horror Stories English Film Reviews English Mythological Stories English Book Reviews English Thriller English Science-Fiction English Business English Sports English Animals English Astrology English Science English Anything English Crime Stories