In Ahmedabad, at 10 o'clock, Krishna Patel arrives at his bank office. Despite his respectable background and high self-standards, he feels bored and stuck in his monotonous 10 to 6 job. While checking his emails, he finds one about an adventurous trekking camp in Shimla, which excites him. He quickly decides to join, fills out the registration form, and pays the fees. The next morning, Krishna catches a 5 a.m. train to Delhi and then a bus to the camp, arriving in the evening. The camp atmosphere is pleasant, albeit a bit cold, with a warm campfire and mysterious fireflies. After dining, he goes to sleep, dreaming of his upcoming adventure. At around 4:30 a.m. the following day, a loud noise wakes him. Exiting his tent, he sees an incredibly beautiful girl, illuminated by the golden rays of dawn. She appears frightened, enhancing her beauty, and Krishna is captivated, unable to move or help her. Her long hair flows like a dark cloud, and her figure is flawless. Suddenly, she stops running as camp officials catch a snake, and she sits on a rock, breathing heavily, while Krishna watches in awe. It is 10 O'clock - 1 by Sunil Kapadia in English Love Stories 27 37.8k Downloads 47.3k Views Writen by Sunil Kapadia Category Love Stories Read Full Story Download on Mobile Description It is 10 o’clock in Ahmedabad. Most of all the offices are being opened now. A branch office of a very famous bank is also being opened now. The staff members are coming to the office . At that time a normal looking boy named Krishna Patel arrives at the office. He is a very good natured boy from a very respected background. He himself set a very high standard in everything he does. But the problem is he was stuck in a 10 to 6 job. He lost the spice of life. When he was in college , he More Likes This You are My Destiny - 1 by Alishka The Silent Promise by Naina Yadav You Are What My Heart Desires by VPoyrekar DIL - CHAPTER 1 by VPoyrekar Finding only You - 1 by Misha Nayra Hate to Love - 1 by Misha Nayra Story of Love and Journey - 1 by Kshitij Gharat More Interesting Options English Short Stories English Spiritual Stories English Fiction Stories English Motivational Stories English Classic Stories English Children Stories English Comedy stories English Magazine English Poems English Travel stories English Women Focused English Drama English Love Stories English Detective stories English Moral Stories English Adventure Stories English Human Science English Philosophy English Health English Biography English Cooking Recipe English Letter English Horror Stories English Film Reviews English Mythological Stories English Book Reviews English Thriller English Science-Fiction English Business English Sports English Animals English Astrology English Science English Anything English Crime Stories