Neither a borrower nor a lender books and stories free download online pdf in English

Neither a borrower nor a lender

Neither a borrower nor a lender


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Some people neither borrow nor lend. They never create any transactions. Such kind of behavior is a neutral attitude. Neither a heir nor an apparent approach. There is a saying in Malayalam “Wayanad assets are neither available free of cost nor for a cost. Wayanad is a place in kerala full of estates.

Some people build palatial bungalows and neither they live in them nor do they let the same on rent.

Some people buy a lot of clothes. But, they neither wear nor let others wear. They do not even know the count of clothes they have.

Some buy a costly fancy car. But, never use the same. Such kinds of assets are white elephants and are idle assets not useful to anybody. Matter occupies space. Gold in the form of ornaments is considered to be an idle asset. People wear ornaments only on auspicious occasions just to show off. We have to pay locker rent for keeping the gold safely.

Some people go only for window shopping. There is a saying in Tamil “ when overly smart people go to market, they neither buy nor sell anything” .They come back with the same enthuse as they went as if with the fragrance of a flower.

Some people are not useful to the society neither when they are alive nor when they are no more.

There is a saying in Malayalam” Iron and education if kept idle will ruin”.

Whatever we learn we should share. The more we share, the more will our knowledge enhance as the educational materials we share gets registered in the very depth of our mind.

Just as a well refills itself with fresh water every time we draw water from it, our knowledge also enhances the more we share the same with others.

Some people neither give nor take .They live for themselves. But, give and take attitude generates lot of positive vibrations all around. They do not have any expectations from anybody. They do not think about fellow mortals. They tread on a one step path which is like a divider of paddy fields. Such kind of people are not being remembered even when they are alive, leave alone remembering them after their expiry. Such kinds of people are not useful to the society .They just come to this world and live their life and go. They wear horse’s mask. They are not so conscious about what’s happening around the world.

Some people neither give alms to beggars nor let others give. There is no harm in extending alms to deserving beggars.

Neither a borrower nor a lender is a neutral stand. This is an indifferent attitude. Keeping silence has become order of the day. Those who keep silence, come what may, are considered to be intelligent and diplomatic. They reach the highest echelons of organizational ladder.

This kind of attitude is good as long as people can remain independent and sustain their stance. But winds never blow in the same direction. Life is full of vicissitudes. The moment they rely on fellow mortals, they would fall like anything as they have earned only money but not people.

In order to remain indifferent, one has to be stone hearted. Those who take a neutral stand never go for mediation. But, problems cannot be solved by remaining neutral.

We cannot see all pervading happiness where indifference rules the roost. People having indifferent attitude do not take any responsibility for anything. They just duck and buck. They are selfish by nature. Flowers of happiness never bloom or blossom in the garden of selfish giants. They always challenge those who do not have the same wave length of thinking as themselves. They wear a mask. Their knowledge is limited as they do not socially interact. The more we interact socially, the more will be our knowledge. They move on a circle reaching nowhere. They do not either go for meditation or else do introspection. They are very miserly and will never help a lame dog over the style. They indulge in fracas over trifles. They take a stance and never compromise or budge a little. They think that they are always right. They are like a fire which always goes up in contrast to water which always goes down.

We cannot find a smiling face on such people. Our own very thoughts have reflections on our face. They have only nefarious ends in life. Once their aims are attained, they are happy with that. They do not poke their nose into others’ personal matters. They do not have a sharing attitude.

They easily underestimate and write off other people and they get excited when their calculations go wrong.

Man is considered to be a social animal. We need to express a lot. Keeping aloof or leading a secluded life yields nothing. We need to debate on many social issues so as to reach amiable and amicable solutions.

By the time, they realize the importance of social living, it would be too late. They consider money is everything. But, when they reach the twilight of life, they understand the importance of fellow mortals.

That’s why we need to respect the fellow mortals. We do not know whose help we will need when we are laid up.

Life experiences teach us more than what we learn in our academic curriculum.

Even if, there are so many social media available in these days, we do not make use of the same in proper manner. Nobody likes writing on the wall. But, when we pen down our problems, half of our problems gets resolved. Well begun is as good as half done. Grief shared is grief half and joy shared is joy double.

Spiritual leaders try to influence our behavior through lectures. But, we hardly follow their teachings. They show us only the right path and say what’s wrong and what’s right. It’s left to our own discretion whether to pursue the desired path or not. They know that attitudes cannot be changed and remain the same from the cradle to the grave.

People live in communities and each community has it’s own cultural ethos and they behave in unique ways.

What cannot be cured has to be endured. A tit for tat or paying back in the same coin does not yield desired results.

Time is a major healer. Time teaches us lot. Only time can change us. Time provides us challenging opportunities , we just have to make use of them as opportunities do not recur. Hence, we should not pin hopes on or else lean on people who are indifferent. Rather, we should leave them in their own path.

Circumstances have a bearing on how people behave. Hence, we need not bother about indifferent attitude of people.

We should make use of scarce resources to the optimum level. Human wants are unlimited and the resources to satisfy those wants are limited. Hence, we should recycle idle assets wherever possible through means like OLX outlets. There are millions of people around us who are below the poverty line struggling for two slices of bread. Hence, the need to manage our assets discreetly and diligently.


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