Laugh towards problem books and stories free download online pdf in English

Laugh towards problem

Problem is unavoidable.Nobody wants problem but no body can avoid. When a boy is small and in fifth or sixth standard he has his problem. When a boy comes in s.s.c. he has his problem,and in this year every student face too much tension and all the times worries,each and every subject gives problem to him.

When man goes for work he has to face so many problems. And in each and every stage man feels his problem is very big. When man becomes old he has problem of his health and all. So life is like surrounded by problems only.

When problem is everywhere and you have to face it than why not it should be tackle by intelligently.

First of all when problem comes, never be serious. Never take any tension never ever think oh my god what happen. First of all laugh at your problem. You will say how we can laugh at our problem but I am saying yes you can laugh at your problem. And if you laugh than the size of problem becomes small and small.

When I was in s.s.c. we were six friends together and always went to in one garden to read. We are all most everege students. At that time 60 percent was too much. And we all knew that we will get approximate near about 60 percent. We knew that somebody will get 58 % or somebody will get 57 %. So we all knew very well that we will sure pass. When exam finished all were happy cause everyone had given his best to exam. But when result came in our group of six boys, one was failed. Nobody knew what happened wrong. We were so sad cause our best friend failed. We were worried about him and thought how he will react. But when we met him, all we shocked he was very balanced. And not even single line of grief we had seen on his face. On the contrary he was smiling. We got mad we asked you are not feeling sad. At that time he told us very good thing that everybody should learn from this. He told us that see I did of my best in my exam but I don't know why this result has come. Some mistake must be by me or somebody but if now I will cry than my result will not change. Now only I have two ways Either I cry or laugh. If I cry than my result will not change. So why to cry and if I laugh and if I will keep my mind happy than thousands of way I will find. And really I have find my way. I will give next exam and till that time I will start a small business. And next time I will get more than 70 percent.We were very sad but he was so confident and happy that nobody can belive.

Now he is doing very well than all our friends and always when he meets he looks always happy. I have never seen him crying. In so many cases he had so many problems but the attitude is same always laughing against problem.

Friends, if we can learn this type of attitude than no problem will do anything wrong with us.

Any dam things happen to you if your attitude of laughing towards problem or at least if you never be upset than problem have no strength to harm you.

Life is always always and always depends not on the facts but it is depends upon how you react.

Always remember keep your mind happy and you will have no problem.