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Accept the trouble

Trouble the word is terrible. Nobody wants trouble. But it is inevitable. Now we have to go deep and study how to react with trouble.

First of all when trouble comes accept it. Most of time we are never ready to accept it.

Suppose a one student failed. Now suppose he did too much hard work in exam. But in spite of that he failed. Now everybody,even 99 per cent can not accept this. This is too hard to accept. But eventhough this is hard and you accept than it makes sense. If you not accept than all negative thoughts comes. Why this is to me ? Why only I am suffering? Why all are passed and why only me failed? And all types of questions becomes man weak. See, in this position first of all remove all negative thoughts and take one pen and notebook and write

1. I am failed now what I should do.

First of all, write this type of answer.

See I am failed but my first duty is to settle my mind and mind is everything. If I am not control my mind than I will be ruined. And to control my mind is only depend on me. Nobody will come and settle my mind. So first of all I should think that I have to accept it. If I will not accept than what can I do? If I will not accept than result will never change. And if nobody can change my result than it is better to accept this. And with my totality of facts I am accepting that I am failed.
When you accept it makes big difference.If you have accepted than if anybody ask you about your result you will say ya this time I am failed. And if you have not accepted than you may try to hide your failure. When you accept you become totally light.

2. Now what to do.

Now this happened is happened now I will do one thing. I will have plenty of free time. Till next exam, I will start a small business and I will earn, so I will get experience in bisiness which I was thinking to start business after my graduation. Another thing ,this time I have read so well and if I will do only some more than I will get more marks.

3. Everybody says think positive in any facts I have found positive things as follows

A. I am failed but I will get more Marks in next try.

B. I was thinking to start a business after graduation but if I will start that busines now than I will have more one year experience.

C. The most important thing I learned that in any bad situation I can be calm and think positive in this situation. So in future any trouble will come I will handle like this. This is my great experience and life teaching lesson.

D. My old friends are passed. They will be remain and I have a big chance to make new friends in next exam. And sure I will make too many more friends so I will have double friends.

C.. I was always thinking to give present of beautiful watch to my father from my first income. This I will fulfill my wish so early cause now very early my income will come and I will fulfill my wish.

So when you accept any trouble like this way, you will never be unhappy. You will never be in depression. After all money, fame , power all has a very little, repeat my word all has very little value but your attitude has every big value. If learn like this and behave like this you don't need to run in rate race. And you will be happiest person in the world.

Friends, again I am telling you don't run too much after money power and fame but first of all make your mind happy. I don't say don't earn but with FULLY AWRENESS.

Thank you