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We arr Big Miracle - We are big Miracle

The Art and Science of Creating Miracles in Life

-Physical and Mental Energy should be up to Create a Miracle
-Keep saying “I am the Best”, don’t wait for others to Tell you this
-Each of us are Special, feel Special
Once you feel Special, you feel Confident….
-I am the Best Version of Myself
-I should keep make myself more better
-Keep saying affirmation with a lot of Energy and Confidence becomes Incantation
-If you put a lot of efforts and energy in the things you want then the Universe gives you
-Forget the LOGIC and begin the MAGIC
-Your Confidence can Create Magic and Work Miracles
-Energy Flows where Attention Goes
-Magnet has North and South Pole, that is modified Energy
-If I want to be like someone, then I have to work on myself and try to bring his positive qualities in me
-There is only ONE Energy in the Universe
-Did Bill Gates help People all over the World? Did Amazon help the World? Learn to Live for Others

How Does Secret Work?
-If something wrong is happening to you it is because you had sometime ORDERED the Universe for it
-When Problems come in your Life, don’t focus & Keep on Thinking about it….Just keep saying Positive Sentence to yourself
-Don’t Focus your Energy on things that you don’t want
-Everything thing is the Game of the Energy
-Whenever you get a Chance hit the Bulls Eye
-Do something Great, that People stand in the Que to take your Autograph
-Don’t keep thinking about what people will think of your Actions, the Mantra is, say to yourself: ”Who Cares ?”
-“Burn the Bridges”, Block the ways of Going Back….there should be only one Option you have…..Keep moving forward
There is should be only 1 path Forward
-Have no Doubt on your Energy, Say to yourself Loudly, “I can do it”
-If you want to become a Legend, Get up Early, do Exercise and Offer Gratitude
This is one of the 11 Habits which Successful People work on
-Penny Wise Pound Foolish
-Confident is a Result of Skill, Knowledge and Attitude
-Invest Money in your Mind

4 Pillars of Law of Attraction
1. Burning Desire-Your Body starts Vibrating in a Frequency when you think of your Dream
If you want the Universe to Conspire for you, then your Desire should be a Burning Desire
Burning Desire is the first step of Creation
2. Hope & Faith-Hope and Faith can move the Mountain
God is within you…You are the Creator of Life
Live a Complain free Life
Have guts to fights for your Problems
You are the Owner of your Destiny
You are the only Person standing for Your Success
It is my responsibility to have confidence on myself
3. Absolute Clarity-
To make a house or any technology related thing, first a design is drawn
Your mind is flooded with Idea and then Implementation to Execute it, is started
You should be clear on what you want
4. Zero Doubt
There should be Zero Doubt, within you
You have to Believe that you can do it

99% of the people don’t know what to do and how to do?

That is why 5% of the People have 95% Money

My Learnings:

-Don’t Look for Miracles, you Yourself are a Biggest Miracle
-Make your mind so strong that when a Goal or Dream comes in your mind, it should be confident that .. Tatashtu, I will be surely achieved.
ashish Shah