TIME MASTER OF STUDENTS - 3 books and stories free download online pdf in English


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मनुज बड़ा नही होत है ,
समय होत बलवान ।
भीलन लूटी गोपिका ,
वही अर्जुन , वही बान ।

Human is not big,
Time is strong.
Bhilan loot gopika,
The same Arjuna,
The same arrows.

You saw, the same Arjuna who won the war of Mahabharata, but when he was going to Dwarka with Sri Krishna's gopis under his protection, the Bhils of the forest looted the gopikas despite Arjuna. Arjun was the same, his bow was also the same. Only time had changed.

>> Time teaches discipline. The true companion of time is discipline. If you walk with time, you will be considered disciplined. Just like your college starts at 7 am, if you reach by 7 am, you will be considered disciplined, otherwise undisciplined.

>> There is also time commitment. If you stay with the times, then your promises will be fulfilled. If missed, your words may be false. Come, pledge that we will reach everywhere on time.

>> Time is also courage, because to run with time, full enthusiasm is needed. It has been observed that courageous individuals take time in their possession.

>> Time builds confidence, because working on time increases internal happiness.

>> Time brings mobility, because one who moves over time also moves. He cannot remain stubborn.

>> Whatever you add to the time, whether you subtract, whether you multiply or divide, the time will remain the same, so it is better to compromise it than to fight with time. Time can be won by compromise, not by war.

>> Time calls. It is said that whoever hears the call of time has passed. Whoever did not listen became useless.

>> Time kills are very deadly. He neither kills with arms, makes no noise, makes no noise, but hurts deep. You may have heard some people say,

“ Time Has Struck "

Even a poet has written that…

Time is very strong
Kill everyone...
Somebody laughed,
Somebody cried,
From time to time.

>> The one who respects time, respects time among all, because the one who will go with time, will succeed and the successful people are respected.

See the speed of time ...

Time is Too slow
for those who wait.

Too swift for
Those who fear.

Too long for
Those who sleep.

Too short for
Those who rejoice.

>> Regarding time, we can say anything, feel or impose allegation, but it is true that time does not wait for anyone. His speed is neither slow nor fast, he keeps on moving. His only rule is to walk.

>> Right use of time can provide money, but money cannot buy time. So spend both time and coin carefully.

>> Time is never untimely We say that our time is running bad, if time was bad, it would be for everyone. So time is not bad, our thinking is bad.

>> It is true that time would have wings. I don't know when time disappears from the eyes like flying eclipses in the sky. Those who cannot catch it have been seen rubbing their hands.

>> Time is always warning.

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Those who listen and execute this warning have been seen to be inhabited and those who do not listen, have been seen to be ruined.

>> Never assume that you have or will have enough time, because it is not and never will be. Only in the case of staying down, it seems that time is sufficient. your work . Time is not enough for busy people.

>> Time stops somewhere Does not stick Do not get involved. Do you know why ? Because time is digambar.

>> Time never sleeps It goes on and on. Those who keep going with time, leave their footprints. Those who did not go on sleeping. Left behind. Nobody knows them. If we can do something, then let's go with the times.

>> Time is cruel He is self-proclaimed. Neither mother nor father. Neither family. Time has no beginning, nor end. He neither loves nor enmities anyone. Neither has nor will Get over time if you want. Love him Make it your own. Do not expect in time that he will go ahead and hold your hand.

>> People say time is money. Modify it a bit and say that time is possible money, because time has to be used properly to earn money. We just keep sitting hand in hand and say that time is money, it will not be right. That is why it is said that the person who comes to arrange his energy and time sits on a pile of money.

>> "Time's horse ran, you heard" this line. This is bad news for you, but the good news is that the rein of this horse can be in your hands. If you want, pull the bridle. Sit down on your back. Admire and talk speed with this horse of time. This is what good and smart people do.

>> Know the importance of time. Every work has a time. That work cannot be done before time, and after the passage of time there is no use for that work. It is also said that

" माली सींचे सौ घड़ा,
ऋतु आए ही फल होय। "

"Gardener Watered
A Hundred Pitches,
Fruites are come
As soon as the
Season arrives "

Asked for work after time....

" का वर्षा जब कृषि सुखाने "
"Rainfall When Drying Agriculture."

Therefore, it will be good only when the work is done at the appointed time. It will also be good for you to come up on time.

>> Life is formed by Time. So we can say that time is life. Now since we all love our lives. Therefore, we should also love time, because life is made from time itself. How have poets threaded the glory of time into a verse

Everyone is in the world,
Neither worth the time.
Tomorrow we will not be here,
Do whatever you want.

>> The only truth of a person's life is that every moment of his life is first and last. Only one who knows the value of time and who uses time succeeds.

>> If you don't know the value of time, then understand that no one will know you in this world. You will leave unknowingly as you came.

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