Difference Between A Boss And A Leader books and stories free download online pdf in English

Difference Between A Boss And A Leader

Difference between a Boss and a Leader.

A boss manages the employees, while a leader inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection. Every team has a boss, but in the present circumstances what people need is a leader who will help them achieve greatness.

Normally classified in two categories.A glimpse of the general opinion of Employees in the various organisations.I have tried to streamline the stated facts in a comparative chart to make and understand the essence of the content and what it expresses

1. Puts Result first Puts people first
2. Believes in “I " Believes in “We “
3. Takes credit Gives credit
4. Thinks short term Thinks long term
5. Knows every thing Willing to learn
6. Talks more than listening Listens more than talking
7. Gives orders Seeks solutions
8. Criticizes Encourages
9. Points out weakness Recognizes strengths
11. Defends their Ego Reveals vulnerability
12. Self centered Focuses on Team
13. Puts blames on others Takes responsibilities
14. Demands Results Commands cooperation
15. Pushes people Leads people
16. Personal preference Promotes equality
18. Cold reaction Warm Compassionate

Some people use the terms “boss” and “leader” interchangeably, but that's not appropriate. The truth is, some bosses are simply a boss.Bosses can become leaders, and by doing so they become a priority for those who want to effectively lead in the organisation. True leaders help both themselves and those around them to do the right thing. They work out a road map and by inspiring others to fulfill the organisational vision and, in turn, create something new out of the familiarity.
A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. ... They help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help.

Here are some of the Qualities of a Good Leader we aspire to see in them. Integrity.The integrity of the leaders should not be challenged as they are considered as the path finders with better horizon.
Ability to delegate. Degelation of power doesn't weakens the leader on the contrary it strengthens unity and team spirit.Another attribute is effective
communication.The ability to communicate the decions and action plan of the management to other colleagues is most wanted.Keeping themselves aware of the latest information and acting accordingly help them to be accepted by the peopke
Self-awareness and making others aware of forth coming circumstances prepares the employees to face the situation with confidence.Appreciating the good job done by others and acknowledging the same in publice m boosts the morale of the employees. The mind set of learning for gaining knowledge and sharing with others for the benefit of the organisation is essential.A good leader with empathy should have the ability to convince others.Their openness,integrity,and Empathetic al approach leads to successful career.

There are valuable differences between bad and good leaders. A bad leader is the boss we despise working for every day,the one who never acknowledges achievements and only emphasizes faults. A good leader truly believes in the work he does which is benefitial to all. True leaders help both themselves and those around them to do the right thing.

To become a good leader, one should influence, inspire and mentor the team members.So let me tell you one thing.It is easy to become a Boss and dominate the others but difficult to become a leader and show the path of honesty,sincerity and integrity.