Unsung Heroes - Who didn't made it in your textbooks - 1 in English Motivational Stories by Pratham Shah books and stories PDF | Unsung Heroes - Who didn't made it in your textbooks - 1

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Unsung Heroes - Who didn't made it in your textbooks - 1


Bharatvarsha’ the land of vast culture, heritage and most importantly – the land of valor and courage; has witnessed numerous warriors who never hesitated for a fraction of a second before putting their life on line for the protection of their motherland.

When we talk about history of particular place, nation or state; we talk about nothing but such series of events or incidents where these ancestors of ours led their lives in protection of ‘Dharma & Desha’. Where such warriors deserves slots in in our history narration, it becomes duty of our eminent historians and most likely ours to spread the truth and glory of them by all means possible, be it writings or verbal mode. The folktales and folksongs have no doubt played their role so far, but to pass these treasure to our upcoming generation in order to build a strong society; this needs to be done at a mass level to ensure it reaches out everywhere.
The sad part of the story is that a majority of our blind (?) historians have failed to make such heroes known to the present generations; leading them towards the distorted and biased history. Such practices have lead the present society towards inferiority complex as well.

This Piece of writing is an attempt to develop keen interest in youth for their ancestors as well as to introduce such gallant warriors to the present, about whom they don’t know as they never made it in our textbooks.



When it comes to offer resistance to the enemies of motherland, no one can deny about the ‘Marathas’ being the saviors. The seed implanted by Shrimant Yogi Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj into minds of his people not only grew firm into a tree but provided shelter to the upcoming ones even after hundreds of years after his death.

Almost every youth might have heard of him at once and for all but the unfortunate fact is that none of them know much about him or about his heroic deeds. All the students with whom I have interacted knew nothing but his name only. Well, Raje (a respectful address for Shivaji Maharaj) has such a wide history that it can be discussed later in another book.

During the times when the nation was suffering under the claws of cruel Islamic rule, Marathas were surrounded with Mughal Dynasty to the north, Adilshahi Sultanate in Bijapur reign and Siddhi Jauhar nearby coastal areas of Deccan. About Raje, it is said more than the king himself the enemies were actually frustrated due to his loyal Subedars and supporters. High amount of money, land, females servants were offered to any soldier caught to go rebel against Shivaji; but the one who got the direct manifestation of Lord Malhar by their side were not the ones who can be lured. Generals such as Yesaji Kank, Tanhaji Malusare, Bahirji Naik, Koyaji Bandal, Kondaji Farzand, etc were the ones who chased Swarajya for their King. One such loyal one was Bajiprabhu Deshpandey. Despite being born in Chandra sainya Kayastha clan, he learnt the art of militancy and had his expertise on weapons as Dandpatta, Urumi, Katar, etc. by the age of 15 and started to work under the flag of Swarajya.

It was right after Afzalkhan Vadh that Shivaji with his Marathas was on a trail to expand his boundaries, as soon as he came to knew about Siddhi Jauhar preparing to attack the Swarajya; he immediately went to Panhalgadh to have a quick access to his enemy. Gaining the advantage, Siddhi Jauhar when got the lead of Shivaji being at the Panhalgadh; he without losing any time went straightly and surrounded the fort. This unexpected & quick step brought the Marathas helplessness. Shivaji knew that rainy season was about to begin and to survive the rain in terrains of Sahyadri was not possible for any nonnative. Siddhi was not ready to give up so easily either. The faceoff went for about 4 months and none of them were ready to strike first. Netaji Palkar, another Maratha general tried to break the siege and enter the fort to provide support to the king but failed to do so. Going for a straight faceoff with 40,000 enemies was too childish, seeing no other way at last Shivaji decided to deceive the enemy and to reach nearby fort Vishalgadh.

A message was sent to Siddhi Jauhar stating that Marathas had been tired of waiting in the fort and there is no way they can win against Siddhi; hence they have decided to make a deal and give up. Listening to this, Siddhi became assured of his win and being too overconfident he lowered his guards. Finally on night of Guru poornima, Marathas made their final move and they got split into two groups; one group with Shiva Nhai Kashid - who was a double of original Shivaji went to meet Siddhi to discuss the terms of the deal. The second Palqui that had original Shivaji departed for Vishalgadh without letting anyone know.

The road to Vishalgadh was not easy though. Rocks, unfavorable terrain, deep chasms as if were not enough, the darkness and heavy rain made an addition to the hurdles. The whole unit was under direct leadership of Baji Prabhu & his brother Phulaji Prabhu. The unit somehow continued to proceed with their faith in Bhawani. However, the plan didn’t go well and the plan got revealed, Siddhi enraged with this sent his forces under his own son to capture Shivaji.

The Marathas came to knew as well that they are been chased by Siddhi’s forces. By the time, they reached ‘Ghodh Khind’ – a narrow passage covered by huge mountain rocks such that only 1 or 2 persons can pass through at a time; they had the idea that there is no way to outrun the enemy now and the fight is inevitable. At such a time Baji Prabhu made the most crucial decision. He came forward and said, “Raje, you go and reach Vishalgadh with half of our unit. With 300 others I will stay here and engage enemy till your safe escort.”

Shivaji was not ready to allow his beloved & loyal General to carry out this suicidal operation. Baji Prabhu begged again, giving him words of Bhawani, he added – “Leave my king! You are the hope of millions, don’t waste your time. Let us proceed to our way to Vaikunth today. Consider my words as an elder, and go. All hail to the Bhawani, till Baji is here my lord, no enemy will cross this passage. By the time you reach Vishalgadh safely, please fire three canon shots as a sign.”

Seeing the practicality of the situation Shivaji left for Vishalgadh. Now it were 300 Marathas of Bandal Sena under Baji Prabhu & his brother Phulaji against the Bijapuri troops. The enemy reached the spot and there was our hero ready with Dandpatta swords in his both hand, standing as a barrier between them and Raje. With loud war cry of ‘Har Har Mahadev’ Marathas started slaughtering their enemies. Baji prabhu despite being 50 years in age was as agile as a tiger, started slicing his enemies to pieces with his sharp edge of the sword. The rock hard will of Baji prabhu was pushing enemies back. A blow of cannon hit him, but Baji prabhu stood up again and fought for the sake of his words. It was no ordinary mortal, enemy were dealing with. His arm was broken not capable to lift the sword any more but the warrior couldn’t stop now, the three sounds of cannon were not heard. Baji prabhu injured badly, with all blood flowing out due to the blow he received on head was fighting as if he was the very own manifestation of Mahakaal at the moment. Sri Aurobindo in his Long poem ‘Baji Prabhou’ writes,
“Upon the Prabhu all the goddess came. Loud like a lion hungry on the hills He shouted, and his stature seemed to increase Striding upon the foe. Rapid his sword like lightening playing with a cloud made void…”

It was seven hours since Baji Prabhu engaged in the battle. His whole body was tired, body was full of cuts and bruises but he kept fighting. His brother Phulaji was lying dead on the ground before his eyes, but the warrior had no time to grieve or cry over. He hadn’t moved even an inch back.

Suddenly a cannon shot was fired. Baji prabhu heard the shot and waiting he heard two more shots following the first. The three shots signaling safe escort of Maharaj made Baji Prabhu relieved. With a smile on his face, the warrior collapsed and swords slipped out of his hands,

He said – “now that the savior of millions has reached the spot, I can die peacefully”; and he left the world. 5000 enemies dead on the ground and none of them succeeded in breaking a defense of 300 Marathas.


The battle became sign of valor, courage and loyalty. Chhatrapati himself looked after family of Baji Prabhu and awarded ‘Manache pahile paan’ (Honor of the court) to his family. ‘Sword of honor’ was awarded to Bandal sena for their bravery. The place “Ghodh Khind” was renamed to “Pavan Khind”. Pavan means purified, as the place was purified with the blood of this great martyr. Still in Maharashtra, the battle is remarkable, but slowly the traces of history is fading away. Not only students of the country but even the Marathi youth are unaware of this warrior and his sacrifice.


Part 2 will be uploaded soon...