Dark Spirits in English Horror Stories by Prem Charthad books and stories PDF | Dark Spirits Part - 11

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Dark Spirits Part - 11

The friends find themselves standing in the middle of a bustling street in ancient Egypt. They gaze in awe at the pyramids and temples surrounding them.

Rahul: "Whoa, this is incredible! We're actually in ancient Egypt!"

Saniya: "I know, right? I've always wanted to visit this era!"

Navya: "And look, there are hieroglyphics on the walls!"

Ajay: "I can't believe we're actually seeing this in person!"

Dr. Maria: "Remember, you're here to observe and learn. Don't interact with the locals too much, or you might disrupt the timeline."

Virat: "Got it, Dr. Maria. Let's explore!"

As they wander through the city, they come across a group of workers building a massive stone statue.

Rahul: "Wow, that's enormous! What's it for?"

Dr. Maria: "That's a statue of the pharaoh. It's a symbol of his power and greatness."

Saniya: "It's amazing to think about how much work and dedication went into building this."

Navya: "And look, there are hieroglyphics on the base of the statue. I wonder what they say."

Ajay: "I think I saw a similar symbol in a book back in the lab. I wonder if it's related to the time machine."

Dr. Maria: "That's a great observation, Ajay. Let's take a closer look."

As they examine the hieroglyphics, they begin to notice strange occurrences around them. The workers seem to be moving in slow motion, and the air is filled with an eerie energy.

Virat: "Guys, something's not right. I think we're causing a disturbance in the timeline."

Dr. Maria: "You're right, Virat. We need to get back to the time machine and return to our own time before we disrupt the timeline further."

But as they turn to leave, they realize that the time machine is nowhere to be found...

Panic sets in as they frantically search for the time machine. Dr. Maria checks her device, but it's not functioning properly.

Dr. Maria: "We have to find the time machine! We can't stay here forever!"

Rahul: "But where could it be? We were just standing next to it!"

Saniya: "Maybe it got moved or hidden somehow?"

Navya: "We have to retrace our steps and find it before it's too late!"

Ajay: "I think I saw something strange over there. Let me go check it out."

Ajay runs off towards a nearby temple, leaving the others to search the area. As they search, they start to notice strange visions and hear whispers in their ears.

Virat: "Guys, I'm seeing things! Hallucinations or something!"

Rahul: "Me too! What's going on?"

Dr. Maria: "I think we're experiencing temporal distortions. We have to get out of here now!"

Suddenly, Ajay returns, holding a small device.

Ajay: "I found this in the temple! It looks like a remote control for the time machine!"

Dr. Maria: "That's it! Let's get back to the time machine and get out of here!"

They rush towards the time machine, but as they approach, they see a figure standing in front of it.

Figure: "You shouldn't have come here. Now you're stuck in this timeline forever!"

The friends gasp in shock, realizing they are trapped in ancient Egypt with no way back home...

The figure steps forward, revealing a striking woman with long black hair and piercing green eyes.

Woman: "My name is Kiya, and I am a priestess of the ancient arts. You have meddled with forces beyond your understanding, and now you must face the consequences."

Dr. Maria: "We mean no harm. We're just trying to get back home."

Kiya: "Your device has disrupted the timeline. You must fix the damage before you can leave."

Virat: "How do we do that?"

Kiya: "You must complete three trials. Each trial will test your courage, wisdom, and strength. If you succeed, I will return your device and you can leave. But if you fail, you will remain here forever."

Rahul: "We accept the challenge!"

Kiya: "Then let us begin. The first trial is the Maze of Reflections. You must navigate through a labyrinth of mirrors and confront your deepest fears."

The friends nod, ready to face whatever lies ahead. Kiya leads them to a large stone door, which slides open with a loud creak.

Saniya: "This is it. Let's do it!"

The friends step forward, entering the maze. As they walk, the mirrors begin to distort their reflections, revealing their deepest fears and doubts.

Navya: "What's going on? This isn't real, is it?"

Ajay: "It feels real to me!"

Dr. Maria: "Stay focused, everyone. We need to work together to get out of this."

As they navigate the maze, they realize that their fears and doubts are manifesting as monsters and obstacles. They must confront and overcome them to reach the center of the maze...

They journey deeper into the maze, facing their fears and doubts head-on. Virat confronts his fear of failure, Rahul faces his doubt about his abilities, and Saniya overcomes her fear of being trapped. Navya and Ajay work together to defeat a monster born from their combined fears.

Finally, they reach the center of the maze, where a large mirror reflects their true selves.

Dr. Maria: "Well done, everyone! You've passed the first trial."

Kiya appears, impressed. "You have shown courage and strength. Now, onto the second trial: the Test of Wisdom."

She leads them to a large stone pedestal, where a small, intricately carved box sits.

Kiya: "Solve the puzzle of the box. If you succeed, you'll be one step closer to returning home."

The friends examine the box, searching for clues. After some time, Ajay notices a small inscription on the side.

Ajay: "Guys, I think I've found it! The answer is hidden in the stars."

Rahul: "The stars? What do you mean?"

Ajay: "The constellations on the box's lid match the pattern of the stars in the night sky. If we align the stars correctly, the box will open!"

With newfound hope, they work together to align the stars, and the box opens with a small click.

Kiya: "Impressive! You've passed the second trial. Now, onto the final challenge: the Trial of Strength."

The friends stand tall, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

To be continued...