Attributes of Enjoyable Life books and stories free download online pdf in English

Attributes of Enjoyable Life

what makes life enjoyable ?

Smile more, cry more, have more emotions and be a human. Everyone can live a great life they want. Since time will continue to move no matter what you do, you might as well just enjoy each second and every minute of your life and make your life enjoyable.

The most enjoyable things in life can be anything tha makes you happy, satisfied and exciting. Migrating from happiness to honesty here are some of life's valuable treasures that cost nothing at all but give you immense pleasure and happiness.
An honest opinion from a loved one will cheer you up and boost your morale.
True friends whom you back upon at all times.Moment of happiness or sorrow or your problems you can share with him.
A family you can always count on.
Someone who supports your dreams.
Finding true love.
Humor and laughter can transform your life into exciting one.
Having a positive attitude gives you a different feeling of life and friends arround you.Life is to enjoy every moment rather repent in future.

Life will always seem hard when we hinge our happiness on the others. It's hard to be happy when you've based your entire existence around the presence of someone else in your life or on their overall happiness. Even worse, when that person makes your life more difficult, it's hard to keep your mind balanced.
How to Make Life Bearable Again
Admit to yourself that you're powerless and that your life is unmanageable.
Stop hating yourself and believe that the world works on fate.
Accept what comes in life as destiny and make friends with it.
Make an honest and moral inventory of yourself. Introspect and visualise what you are and where you are. Admit your shortfalls and improve upon it.

In order to make your life happy and easier think of the following remedies.
Focus on the positive. To achieve long-term happiness, you need to transform your brain from a negative mindset to a positive mindset.
Celebrate little victories.Little things in life brings unlimited happiness.
work out your schedule and balance your work and personal life. Practice mindfulness. Be creative because positivity takes you to the brighter side of life and results that make you happy. Accept imperfection. No man in this universe is perfect.Its the realisation and improving upon it makes him perfect and happy.
Do what you love.This will make your life easier and comfortable.Care a hang for others as they do not contribute or support you in achieving the same.

To keep yourself happy everyday smile. You tend to smile only when you're happy.
Exercise. Exercise isn't just for your body but bit relaxes your mind and soul to give you eternal peace and happiness. Sleep well and enjoy eating
A healthy mind and a healthy body will automatically make your life easier and happy.

What will make you happy again.Its nothing different or unique. Take a hot bath before bed, spend time with your pet, do something creative, or turn on some music. Any of these activities will take your mind off of yourself and your problems. This is the mantra in making you feel happy again.

Happiness comes from within,from heart and eternal peace.Strive and will achieve at no cost.