Change is Constant books and stories free download online pdf in English

Change is Constant

Change the way you think, love what you do.

We all have Mount Everest sitting inside every one of us And the truth again is you have to climb that mountain that is purpose for which you were born.

If you want to master something, you do it every single day. Start become your habits and your habits will become your character. So, yyour thoughts to word, word to action, action to character and character makes your destiny.

If you want to achieve something in this life, you have to earn it, you have to carve it. No one can be do this for you.

This is your life, this is your journey and ultimately this is your success. You did not here to sleep, you did not here to entertainment, you came here to Change. You must be fire in you. You here to understand WHY.

AND ask yourself is it not worth changing?

Now, is the only thing that is in your hands. You're not here by accident, you are here because you need to be here. This is not an accident you and I. This is meant to be. You have to stop listening with your head and start listening with your heart.

TThe difference between people who achieve things and people who do not achieve depends on that one single Factor how much of everyday is spent on important things as opposed to urgent things.

Change the way you think, love what you do. Sheep follow, lion walk their own path but then if you're going to be a live like ONE. Which means first you have to think you have to do is stand on your own feet.

The power of determination, dedicated and doing. You put it together you can achieve anything.

Practice makes perfect they say, practice does make perfect but you must be willing to do it every single day.

The instant it Become work your brain shut off, so it's matter of getting your mind switched on. Your mind is the most devious things that you have, it cheats every single day.

It's a prison that you lock yourself in all the time and you learn to break free from this mind you will forever. Your mind is your problem, no one else is your problem.

You have to learn to look into the mirror and respect the person who's looking back, which means the day you take yourself seriously for the first time will be the day that everyone else can take you seriously.

Your word is your bond. Don't give it easily. Respective the day you teach yourself to respect your words the beginning of the day that other begin to respect your word.

If there are hundreds things in your control, that you can effect the end result, there are hundreds Factor which are not in your control which can negatively effects them results.

If we cannot control the change around us, we can change who we are so we can keep up with the change of feature.

I believe is the answer. Answer your all the problems, all your change, whatever feeling you is not outsider, is within you.