HOW TO SPOT A LIAR books and stories free download online pdf in English


As the great playwright William Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts…” We meet many people in our lifetimes and not all those whom we cross our paths with, are honest to us, some are as he says ‘Players’ and as such we should know better when we are in company of one. So, in this article we will talk about how to recognize a liar. People who lie easily go undetected and as per a report over 80% of lies usually go undetected. Well, this art is not that difficult and simple tricks and techniques will help you in unearth the liars around you. People have different lying behaviours but these ones are the most common ones, so look out for these and others as well if you can!

Body Language

You need to study the body language of people around you. It tells you so many things that if you pay close attention, you would receive so many significant information about that person. People change their body language drastically when they are trying to hide something. They will become squirmier, fidget with their fingers, conceal their hands and drop so many similar hints that will almost shout out loud that they have something to hide. These changes in the body language are not consciously done and are acted upon subconsciously by the liar.

Micro facial expressions

Not only the body language, the liar can be detected through reading their facial expressions. When a person lies, they tend to flare their nostrils, slightly bite their lips, blink rapidly or begin to perspire profusely. These subtle changes in the facial expressions are your markers and you should look out for similar changes in a person. Some of these changes will not be as subtle but some will be extremely difficult to watch out for, like a person may turn a slighter shade of pink or will avoid eye contact.

Listen to the tone more closely

When a person lies, not only the body has its specific tell, but the voice modulation of the person also alters. They will change their tone, speak quickly or if they speak quickly normally, they will speak slowly. And their tone will change volume, as in if they speak in low tone, they will speak in high tone and vice versa. The sentence structure may change and become more complex as the person tries to conceal the truth and the brain goes in overdrive.

When they stop talking about themselves

A liar will often try to disassociate from the lie by removing himself/herself from their narrative. They will start to focus upon different people and try to remove themselves from your focus. When you stop hearing ‘I’ and ‘me’ from the story and start hearing more of they, them, he, she, you should know something’s amiss. These tips could help you spot a liar.