Hibiscus tea for lowering B.P. in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Hibiscus tea for lowering B.P.

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Hibiscus tea for lowering B.P.


Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species are commonly known simply as "hibiscus", or less widely known as rose mallow. Other names include hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon, and tropical hibiscus.

गुड़हल या जवाकुसुम वृक्षों के मालवेसी परिवार से संबंधित एक फूलों वाला पौधा है। इसका वनस्पतिक नाम है- हीबीस्कूस् रोज़ा साइनेन्सिस।

Gumamela is also known as Hibiscus. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color combinations. Hibiscus, also known as rose mallow, is a plant that belongs to the mallow family.

Amazing benefits of Hibiscus tea:
The species that is most often used for food or tea is Hibiscus sabdariffa, also known as roselle or red sorrel. The flowers, leaves, and seeds of the hibiscus can all be consumed, but the part that is used most often is the calyx.

(1) Lowering blood pressure:
It has been claimed that sour teas derived from Hibiscus sabdariffa may lower blood pressure.This can reduce your risk of developing many significant health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
While hibiscus tea may be a safe and natural way to help lower blood pressure, it is not recommended for those taking hydrochlorothiazide, a type of diuretic used to treat high blood pressure, as it may interact with the drug.
Hibiscus tea should be completely avoided by infants under six months who should only be getting breast milk as well as kids with kidney failure, who can't efficiently excrete it.
There is also a concern about the impressive manganese level in hibiscus tea.
Hibiscus is widely consumed around the world as a ruby-colored, lemony beverage. Hibiscus is safe and, unlike most blood pressure drugs, rarely causes side effects.
Recent studies show that hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) tea can lower blood pressure as effectively as some standard anti-hypertensive drugs can.
According to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, a study of 70 hypertensive patients found that those wh CFo drank 2 cups of hibiscus tea in the morning on an empty stomach experienced improved conditions for one month, compared with those who took high blood pressure medication.

(2) Antioxidant property: Hibiscus tea contains other antioxidants, such as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins give the plant its vibrant color. They may also prevent many chronic diseases, as well as provide antibacterial effects.

(3) Reduces stress and anxiety:It is good to drink hibiscus tea at night.Though hibiscus tea is free of caffeine, the sleep inducing effects of hibiscus are due to its anxiolytic and sedative properties. The reduction of stress and anxiety puts your body in a relaxed state, making it easier to fall asleep when the time comes. There will be no tossing and turning after consuming this tea.
Hibiscus tea helps with anxiety: It is a rich source of vitamin C, beneficial antioxidants, and essential minerals. Because of these nutrients and a class of flavonoids in Hibiscus tea (flavonoids are also found in wine), it helps in easing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

(4) Promotes brain health:
Beyond its aesthetic appeal, hibiscus has potent neuroprotective benefits, including the ability to lower neuroinflammation. Inflammation is a primary driver of Alzheimer's disease, making hibiscus an effective and nourishing intervention for those looking to promote brain health.

(5) Support heart health:
The antioxidants found in hibiscus not only support a healthy heart.

(6) Protects kidneys:
It can also protect other important organs of the body. For instance, free radicals can be harmful to the kidneys; however, some studies found that the antioxidants in hibiscus were helpful in restoring and supporting damaged kidneys.

•Side effect of higher doses:
In high doses,Hibiscus can cause liver damage:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers hibiscus safe when consumed in food. However, it's possible to have an allergic reaction to the plant. In very high doses, hibiscus may cause liver damage.
This is a natural plant based remedy for lowering blood pressure. It also provides other amazing health benefits.

Author: Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol