Globel Communism One Step Ahed In Globlaisation - 2 in English Motivational Stories by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | Globel Communism One Step Ahed In Globlaisation - 2

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Globel Communism One Step Ahed In Globlaisation - 2

now we have seen there abive one word like "the un mantions".
so, what is this exectly a un mantiins and hiw it come deefrant by demonitaisation??

as we know very simple thing that after starts and establis of oaper currancy ,demonitaisatiin suppose was come in use to us.
becouse paper currancy was suppose very eusy way to pay illigle to authoritys.
this was call a curraption.
actualy there was no provision for deposits a traditional coins in banks.
it was esspecialy made for deposits a paper currancys and its female currancys only. i mean a coins.
so paper currancy and paralel to it a banking system were both a revolution to make run a communism.
it was just not only machinary subjected in communism.but all automatic arms ,vepo s and evan a atom and nucliar bombs are also were covered in communism.

actualy there is demonitaisation is living in proven kind in anti fangus ,i mean in a self currancy banking.
how ,just it little bit ahed .

there in inheritance of economy we comming run of hold some tipical problems and evan at un solved till last of today.
just like of from the establistment of economy or understoods or some like it..just like symbolic or unsymbolic(sata paddhati)( a sattel method) we come endure the scare of crime ,that some where it snatch will out our money.
but from that day of agos till today we nevar tried that why we scaring from crime.
becouse we have knowlage of our economy symbols onle,we have no any idea ,that how to prevant it for not let pass it to the criminals!!
economys this ache is comming run from millions of last.
if we are not beeing state to prevant currancys,we have no made rule to shout on criminals!!
so ,we ware in asks of ,how demonitaisation is in builted in self currancy!!
so when from we want do start self currancy ,we have very first come to chake it out the currancy cunsumptios in corporet areas.

most of economy's this recipe and bellance is of 70/30.
i mean 70 percent of currancy counts using corporate companys and middle class businesses .and remaining currancys using it domestics.

now its time to.know that what is un mantion and what is demonitaisation.and how it comes deefrant from each other.

now unmantion is some kind allows of black money.
most and traditional economic's regids and fanatics and orthoducs had put stricts on not let enter the black money.
and some ware it behaving at black money very strict and peopels scaring of do it out and put it as a investment evan.tbey in scare can not evan put some part of down pay.ent. and black money comes once a deade money a dead economy.

but unmantion shouts no........ and it gives allowes to black money up to 6 percent evan at dwon payment.
foe an example if we show in our prifile investment of 100 crors then in that 100 cror we can put 6 cror of and other 96 cror of ligle part from.

how ever second example like we gose to buy a house and this house of one cror and we hane fill its some.part as a 20 lakh then 6 percrnt of 20 lakh =120000 we can put as a black money.
but tbisprocigure is not diract. and why this call unmantion that will in next part.