Horrible Mansion in English Horror Stories by Aftab Alam Sheikh books and stories PDF | Horrible Mansion

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Horrible Mansion

In a quiet village, there lived a boy named Shaan. He was known for his bravery and curiosity. One night, a strong wind blew, and people whispered about an old mansion in the nearby woods. They said it was haunted, but Shaan wanted to see for himself.

With a lantern in hand, Shaan went into the dark woods. The tall trees looked spooky with their branches reaching out like bony fingers. He finally reached the mansion, which was old and falling apart. It looked scary, but he decided to go inside.

The mansion was filled with dust and cobwebs. The furniture was old and covered in sheets. Shaan's lantern made the shadows dance on the walls. He saw paintings of sad-looking people with gloomy eyes that seemed to follow him.

As he walked deeper into the mansion, he found a room with a cracked mirror. When he looked at it, he saw himself surrounded by ghostly figures. They looked sad and whispered strange things. Shaan tried to look away, but he couldn't. The mirror seemed to want him to join them.

Suddenly, a loud scream filled the room. Shaan didn't know if it was him or the ghosts. He was scared and broke the mirror into pieces. The room turned dark, and Shaan found himself outside, relieved to see the sun rising.

Days went by, but Shaan was different. He looked haunted and scared. The villagers noticed and felt worried for him. Shaan never talked about what happened, but he couldn't forget the mansion's secrets. The whispers and the ghostly figures stayed in his dreams.

He tried to be normal, but the memory of that night wouldn't leave him. He felt like the mansion's secrets were still with him. He was haunted by the ghosts' sad faces and the eerie whispers. Every night, he would wake up with a start, afraid of what he saw.

The village tried to help Shaan, but he couldn't escape the fear. He wished he had never gone into the mansion. The once brave and curious boy had turned into a scared and quiet one. The villagers hoped he would find peace someday.

And so, the story of Shaan and the haunted mansion became a tale that was told for years. People remembered the boy who faced his fears but was forever changed by what he saw. The old mansion stood in the woods, a silent witness to the horror that Shaan had experienced.He tried to be normal, but the memory of that night wouldn't leave him. He felt like the mansion's secrets were still with him. He was haunted by the ghosts' sad faces and the eerie whispers. Every night, he would wake up with a start, afraid of what he saw.

The village tried to help Shaan, but he couldn't escape the fear. He wished he had never gone into the mansion. The once brave and curious boy had turned into a scared and quiet one. The villagers hoped he would find peace someday.

And so, the story of Shaan and the haunted mansion became a tale that was told for years. People remembered the boy who faced his fears but was forever changed by what he saw. The old mansion stood in the woods, a silent witness to the horror that Shaan had experienced.