what it means to be first? books and stories free download online pdf in English

what it means to be first?

First means to have a long tail after you who are aspiring to achieve what you have already achieved.First means to be a pioneer and leaving the tail to mimic you .First means cementing the precedent for the rest to follow .First means to become the sense organs of the mankind to witness the unwitnessed part .First means to stroll on that undiscovered path and crushing that grass for the first time which never had romance to kiss the feet of a man before this.

Approaching first

One must transparent a fact in his mind that steps that he ascends are being followed by others and latter may outrace the former anytime.

"Remember history does not provide room for the second, it celebrate and cherish the success of the one who is at the top of the ladder".

It must be understood that "history can be fabricated only by finishing first "

Risky first

It really requires a brave heart and soul for undertaking a work for the first time.when Amudsen went to south pole he was unaware of the perils that he would truck with. First are those who looses the fear of loosing and work with brave and fearless heart.Actually risk takers are the name makers

First means to have a long tail after you who are aspiring to achieve what you have already achieved.First means to be a pioneer and leaving the tail to mimic you .First means cementing the precedent for the rest to follow .First means to become the sense organs of the mankind to witness the unwitnessed part .First means to stroll on that undiscovered path and crushing that grass for the first time which never had romance to kiss the feet of a man before this.

Approaching first

One must transparent a fact in his mind that steps that he ascends are being followed by others and latter may outrace the former anytime.It must be understood that "history can be fabricated only by finishing first "

Risky first

It really requires a brave heart and soul for undertaking a work for the first time.when Amudsen went to south pole he was unaware of the perils that he would truck with. First are those who looses the fear of loosing and work with brave and fearless heart .

Immortal first

When you eye a 5 year old girl cramming the first president of India as Rajendra prasad then it limpids the fact that names are immortal of those who were first .It is the ravages of time that would decimate everything that seems to be perpetual at this very moment but this abstract noun "time" seems to be dwarf in front of the first.
"First are so tall that even time seems to be dwarf"

Magnetic first

First is a position which seems to posses the power of attracting the rest towards itself who are circumferencing around that first position.It is the magnetic property of first spot that introduced the concept of competion in our snail paced world hence transforming the same into highly competitive world.

Fair first

First is a good concept but it should be fair one as it would set example for others, if first is deviated from his track then it would lead its tail to derail .Thatswhy it is professed if you wish to judge the behaviour of the junior try it by judging the same of his elder .
"A fair first would create fairer conditions and make the world the fairest place to dwell"

Fevicoling the first position

Reaching at the zenith is of less importance as compared to staying and cementing your Position at that summit .After reaching at the pinnacle your competition starts with the competitors within you which motivates a person to crack his own records .
"A person becomes successful when he starts competing with himself"

These oceans of "first" are included as it is inexplicable to explain the feeling of being first
" Loose the fear of loosing - Feel first, finish first "

Immortal first

When you eye a 5 year old girl cramming the first president of India as Rajendra prasad then it limpids the fact that names are immortal of those who were first .It is the ravages of time that would decimate everything that seems to be perpetual at this very moment but this abstract noun "time" seems to be dwarf in front of the first.
"First are so tall that even time seems to be dwarf"

Magnetic first

First is a position which seems to posses the power of attracting the rest towards itself who are circumferencing around that first position.It is the magnetic property of first spot that introduced the concept of competion in our snail paced world hence transforming the same into highly competitive world.

Fair first

First is a good concept but it should be fair one as it would set example for others, if first is deviated from his track then it would lead its tail to derail .Thatswhy it is professed if you wish to judge the behaviour of the junior try it by judging the same of his elder .
"A fair first would create fairer conditions and make the world the fairest place to dwell"

Fevicoling the first position

Reaching at the zenith is of less importance as compared to staying and cementing your Position at that summit .After reaching at the pinnacle your competition starts with the competitors within you which motivates a person to crack his own records . Success is not in reaching the top position rather it is how long you stay there?

"Remember success is a journey not a destination"

"A person becomes successful when he starts competing with himself"

These oceans of "first" are included as it is inexplicable to explain the feeling of being first
" Loose the fear of loosing - Feel first, finish first "