Take action. books and stories free download online pdf in English

Take action.

Everyone dreams. However, not everyone achives. The most important thing is to take action to achive dreams.

We are very very sleepy person. All the time we thinks I will do this, I will do that and so many things. But we are all really afraid to take action. And most of time we have ready answer to not taking action. So many times we say I have to think much deep for this project. So many times we say, I have to take suggestions from so many people. By this type of excuse , we don't take action. But never do this,if you want to do work take action.

I know one my friend who has one small shop. Since last five years, he is telling me that he want to open one branch. But since last five years he is telling and telling but doesn't take any action. I told him so many times, just you take one action and than talk to me. He tells me there are so many steps to open a shop. I told him you take only one action than all will follows but only thinking never solves problem. We are all this type of person. We are all lazy person but if you aware than this problem can be solved.

I have one another friend who has three factoris. Once he told me today I am thinking to start one more facotry. I said yes it is good idea. When you think to open this factory ? He told me today only I have got an idea. You won't belive but next day he called me and told yaar, today I am going to see the place for my new factory. And told me that are you giving me company to see the place. I was so surprised. I told him yesterday you decide and today you have started. Really you are great. He told me very good thing that I am always telling myself TAKE ACTION and I have make a MANTRA for my life. I told him, I have learned very good lession from you.

Friends, always remember one action is important than thousands of theories.

So if you have an idea that you really believe in do something about it than take action. Unless you take action, it will never go anywhere.

If you want anything to start the most difficult thing than do one thing, take one pen and note book and write everything on paper. It is very important, not important but it is extremely necessary to write. Your mind is always wandering here and there. When you write, your mind get all clarity. And clarity is necessary in each and every step of life.

The most difficult thing is to start the work. And the first step is very important.
When you take first step towards your goal, most of half work is done. When you take first step than you will see second step clearly and when you take second step than naturally third step will be shown. By this way you will reach your goal.

So friends, make one goal of your life is TAKE ACTION and you will be happiest person.