The white mystery - 8 books and stories free download online pdf in English

The white mystery - 8

Early next morning as Tailor opened his eyes, he was startled to see Father Henry sitting in front of him.
As Tailor tried to sit straight, Father Henry stood up and helped him out.
“How are you feeling my boy, god bless you with the long life.”
As the Father spoke he sprinkled the holy water on him.
Tailor trying to recollect the whole arena of last night,
greater him “good morning father " and moved back in the past to recollect all what had happened.
Both kept quiet for a long time. As the trail of doctor's and medical staff got over their daily routine Jhonson spoke to Father,” please answer my questions, Father.”
Father Henry chanting his holy beads answered " son ! I got a vision a few days back and I tried to trace you all but was of no avail.
“What vision ?” Tailor asked
Father Henry stood and closed the door of the room. “Now it's you, and me and god in this room
You have to keep faith in my words and believe in them. All of a sudden a strong beam of sunlight came in the room from the window and lightened up the whole space.
Father Henry spoke “our savior has landed, he will direct you with his light.
My son, I get visions from the holy lord, whenever an evil spirit
troubles its fellow children.
This time I saw you, sailing in a ship, and you saw a beautiful lady in the middle of sea and you tried to save her instead you got nothing in hand.
Second time, you saw the same veiled lady in lounge, and you were found lying in desert ...”
“How do you know all this “Tailor spoke with a note of
Tailor I said you that I get visions, and I got a vision of your car accident, and then through my power of travelling back in future I saw all this.
“But why we three ?” Tailor in curiosity tried to stand on his feet. But Father Henry stopped him to do so, by pressing his shoulders back.
Yes, I have answers to all your questions as I have travelled in time to find so.
About half a decade back, “you three had gone for research on super natural powers to BLUE HILLS and...”

Yes ! Said Tailor
Not three we were five, and before that we had done there.
Andrew, Jhonson, me and two more of our friends Fedric and Sam. But we lost Fedric and Sam on our first expedition "
and Tailor moved down in the flashback.
Father Henry, bought the chair near Tailor to listen to the whole story.
“We were pretty young, just entered our twenties and didn't, 't believe in god or super natural powers.
So once we decided to go and explore a haunted place, and we stepped in Blue hill.”
But as we entered the village we saw there were no locals around. Only shattered rig out houses, no livings resided their.
When we asked in the neighboring area we were told there was a school in the past in this area and the teacher once killed all its student and after that, the village was evacuated.”
Then we five daring hot bloods thought of exploring the whole Blue hill, and there our conviction on god and super natural powers started.