Miracle of Life MAD books and stories free download online pdf in English

Miracle of Life MAD

Magic of Thinking Rich

When you help others selflessly there is a Harmone called serotonin which gets released in your body which makes you feel very positive.

Your Body is a Miracle...no Scientist in the world could ever make a body on their own like we have-all of us are a MIRACLE

Nothing is the world is more valuable than your LIFE, your BODY & your ENERGY

Don't mix with people who demotivate you and say you can't do it, mix with people who say "I CAN DO IT"
Don't give authority to anyone in the world to Break you....You have to Stand Still very strongly, no storm can destroy you!!

We are made of 5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Space

6 Must Fulfill needs for Highest Level of Sucess:

1. Certainity:
-Do your Job with Happiness, be Certain and Focus on how you would Grow and get -Promoted....don't crib about your Job
-A person before marriage gives flowers, chocolates and all possible things to make you happy (because he is not certain that he will get u) but after marriage all these things fade off...because now he is Certain
-One who commits suicide are uncertain of their Life
-Certainty is the Fuel
-2 ways to bring it, Lower and Higher
-Certainty is a need
-Confidence brings Certainity
-There is no Limit for Certainty, you have to define it.
-Fill the bucket of Certainity by learning new things
-Certainity is Power & Trust, it creates Magic
2. Variety
-We love new Experiences like going and exploring new places
-Eating different types of Food
-Cricketers are always Happy because they are not certain of the next ball, they just give their best and play
-Couples don't find variety that's why they start fighting at small things like remote
-Variety is the spice of Life
-Use your talents and gain Variety
3. Significance
-There is an invisible board on everyone's forehead
-Everyone wants to be noticeable like arranging big weddings, purchasing big homes just to show off, Wearing expensive Clothes just to show off
-We want to be noticeable by the world and Appretiated for the worldly pleasures we have
-We want to take revenges or show that we are the best
-Each of us want to be valued
-we fight, gossip, get angry, compare ourselves, just because we need significance
4. Love & Connection
-Each one of us want Love and affection
-Be a Giver
-Appretiate the people around you for your good qualities
-Give Love to everyone
5. Growth:
-It's only after you've stepped outside your Comfort Zone, that you begin to change, grow and transform
-When you stay focused on your Dreams you will Grow...eg Anand of Super 30
-Take Life as it comes
-Enjoy what you are doing
-Learn from ur mistakes
-Be patient
-Make yourself Proud
6. Contribution:
-Contribute as much as you can
-Do something for the world
-Real generosity is doing something for someone who can never find out that you have done it for him

Do a little bit of good where you are, It's those little bits of good put together that OVERWHELM the WORLD
Magic of Thinking Rich:My assignment To you, do :

-Use of Switch words can be helpful to handle Life Situations!!
-The positive Impact of Changing our Thoughts and Habits!!
-The Best Things in Life takes Time to Happen, so I should be Patient!
-Saying Cut, Cut, Cut when we talk about our friends sickness, accident or death cuts the negative thoughts
-Visualisation is like Day Dreaming with a Purpose
-Dream Big, Sets Goals and put your Passion to Action it
-Offer your Gratitude by thanking 10 people everday
-Keep writing your Goals in a Diary
-Intention has a Great Power, it can attract right people in your life at the right time
-Practice Affirmations so that you can change your mindset and really want what you want to be
-Pain & Pleasure are opposites of each other but together they become DIVINE!!
Wonderful Gift from me : 23 years learning and 5 years repetitive experiance.
For current state🔥 to go desire state, do self discussion with u.🌹
Ashish Shah
MADwAJS : making a difference with Ashish J Shah
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Insta : iam.ashishshah