THE THREE STARS - 1 in English Love Stories by Brownie books and stories PDF | THE THREE STARS - 1

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Episode 1 The Beginning

The sun was bright in the morning…as the day started very well….every was attending their lecture classes peacefully...everyone was listening the class…the silent voice interrupts the class…

Diya: May I come in sir…?

Professor: As usual you came late to my class,Diya?

Diya: Sorry sir…this will not happen again…!

(the class ends….)

[Hi everyone… I’m Diya…studying engineering…In my final year….I’m staying single all these years waiting for my Mr.Right]

Diya waiting in the café after the class ends for her friend….

Diya:finally our clge days are getting over… I’m still single these all years…what should I do now?.. I’m alone these years!

Rose:It’s your character which made you single all these years… rejected many boys till now…tell me…you found your Mr.Right?

[Rose is one of the friend she had from the childhood….now their studying in same college]

Diya:he’s still on my way…I’ll surely meet him soon…don’t worry about me…tell me about your process of your relationship?

Rose:I don’t think he will accept me…he has many adorable girls around him….he will not feel the absence even though I’m not around him like I do…I should give up I think so…

Diya: what made you talk like these? Everything takes time…even though you proposed to him…he may need some time to relaize it…

Rose: do you think like that…? But I can’t see it in that way?

Diya: let’s chill girl…come let’s go somewhere nice….

Rose: sorry baby girl I have something to do…I can’t be with you today…have fun alone…

Diya: what a traitor friend I got….get lost…pay the bill before going…..

Diya walking in the road alone talking to herself in lower voice….why my life is getting too boring…. I don’t having anyone to share my sadness, happiness, emotions….even my studies goes in my wrong direction…oh god please help me…..she reaches home…and saw the letter in the gate…she hurried and picked the letter…that letter gave her a bright smile in her face….

[that letter contains the acceptance letter to the job offer…which have to join as trainee within this month end…this is the one she waiting for a while]

She jumped with joy…her face was fill with brightness…she called her parents who living in other state…she was living alone for years…

She was in the sofa…watching TV silently..but thinking something else…what’s my next part in my life.. I was accepted from a great company…but my happiness left so shorty..should get one boyfriend for myself..but how? Diya come to sense…what nonsense you thinking….let’s go to sleep…

[turned off the TV and went to sleep…

After few days she was preparing the documents…for her company…and picking some formal outfits too…]

Suddenly her phone rang…

Rose: hello….Did you selected your outfit yet? Or still in confusion?

Diya: shut your mouth.. I finally selected my outfit…what’s the matter?

Rose: have you submitted the application to college? Our professor was asking about you..

Diya: yeah I have mail the details to him….is the reason you called? Tell me the real reason..

Rose: I want to tell some tips since you got job in big company…

Diya: what…anyway I won’t listen to you…what’s the use of telling me…

Rose: you dumbhead.. listen to me…there will be many guys around you…be carefull with your senior…never mess with them…always be in polite manner…do you understood?

Diya: are you my mom? Why are you always nagging me….anyways its my dream company I’ll be more carefull don’t worry… by the way…the guys you mention…will they be handsome right??

Rose: what’s the use of being handsome…you won’t get any boyfriend…

Diya: ohhooo… I’ll get boyfriend within a month…I bet

Rose: you are gonna lose anyways…let’s see…all the best for your 1st day!

Diya: thank you…catch you later. (call hung)