The Feelings OF Two Sisters They Have. in English Motivational Stories by Sanskruti Athare books and stories PDF | The Feelings OF Two Sisters They Have.

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The Feelings OF Two Sisters They Have.

Sisters are precious
then any other
valuable things.
I know you are my
best friend and
guide foreverYou can't help it. You will find little
things that you disagree on, and
since you're so close and
comfortable with each other, you
can be brutally honest about it.
Luckily, she is family, so you know
perfectly well how to handle any
dispute. You've been fighting about
the same situations for years, so
you're basically pros on how to
handle it all when you sense a
disagreement brewing. That's whatLet's be honest, you've been raiding
your sister's closet for years. It's a
compliment. She has great style.
Your sister may even be the one who
goes through your closet and steals
your fave stuff. Either way, you know
that the minute someone gets
caught wearing someone else's
sweater, all hell will break loose. YouYou have a right as sisters to be
completely honest with each other.
You don't trust anyone else to tell
you the whole truth. Even when youThis is a fight you'll never win, but for
some reason it always comes up.
You know the real answer is your
parents love you both equally, but
that doesn't stop you from trying to
be your parent's favorite daughter.
Even when holidays or birthdays
come around, you compare presents
to see who got the best gifts. TheSometimes you feel a little like Anna
from Frozen, knocking on your
sister's door, begging her to hang
out with you. When you were kids,
you fought when she wouldn't play
video games with you. Now, you
fight when she won't go to the
movies with you. Sometimes, she
just doesn't have the energy to go
out, and you have to respect that.The fight over the remote is real, and it is strong. My sister and I have had major disputes over who gains control over the TV. You would think in the age of DVR, Netflix, and Hulu we could all agree on one thing to watch, but when one sister wants to watch The Crown and the other wants to watch Game of Thrones, there is no compromise.

Sorry, not sorry. Give me the remote... ASAP.Your sister is your best friend, but
you have other non-related best
friends, too. You and your sister will
have disputes over who's non-sister
best friend is better. You truly
believe your friend group is more
fun and supportive than hers. Why
I can't we all be friends?You might not even remember every
detail of the fight, but you and your
sister have one disagreement that
you have been arguing over for
years. It's all silly and petty now, but
every once in awhile it gets brought
up and you will argue about it still. "Sister. She is your mirror, shining
back at you with a world of possibilities.

She is your witness, who sees you at
your worst and best, and loves you
anyway. She is your partner in crime,
your midnight companion, someone who
knows when you are smiling, even in the
dark. She is your teacher, your defense
attorney, your personal press agent,
even your shrink. Some days, she's the
reason you wish you were an only child." the big sister. I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don't have anything. It's hard. I love her too much. That's what counts." . "You may be as different as the sun
and the moon, but the same blood flows
through both your hearts. You need her,
as she needs you." "Nobody fights you like your own sister; nobody else knows the most vulnerable parts of you and will aim for them without mercy.""I grew up believing my sister was from the planet Neptune and had been sent down to Earth to kill me. I believed this because my sister Emily convinced me of it when I was a toddler...There's a part of me that still believes it. I have moments when I think, 'Hmm, could that be true?' Occasionally I ask my sister about it and she responds by pulling an alien face, which only confuses matters.""I do not see as well without her. I do not hear as well without her. I do not feel as well without her. I would be better off without a hand or a leg than without my sister.""Don't talk about my sister; don't play with me about my sister. If you do, you'll see another side of me."

But She scold me for my habit if I do some
Wrong.But She never bits me.Never ever .
If she becomes 🧑‍✈️🧑‍🔬in future I would be. Proud of her .And I become 🧑‍⚕️🧑‍✈️in future She will feel Proud of me
I Love my Sister
Didi 👭👯💃💃🍫🍫🥰🤩😘🥰😘🤩👗👗🥻🥻