Love is Complicated - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Swati books and stories PDF | Love is Complicated - 1

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Love is Complicated - 1


With the ring of the alarm, I wake up and it is nine in the morning. The best part of my day is waking up next to her and when I see Elena sleeping in bed it becomes impossible for me to hold back. I pick my boxers and pants and goes to bathroom. After five minutes I come out and decide to wake up Elena and go close to her ears and say, “Good Morning sweetie”. She opens her eyes and smile. Her smile is beautiful than stars. Good morning, Honey! It’s Sunday come and sleep with me for another hour. she insists. I am always in the mood for you but not today because I need to go for an urgent meeting with a client. He has specially come from Scotland to discuss about the project and don’t forget that we have to visit my parents’ house today. They have called four of us for dinner. Enjoy your day and I will come and pick you up by 5pm in the evening. I kiss her forehead and when about to leave she calls and asks me to give her gown. I turn back and in spite of giving her gown I snatch her bedsheet and she shouts with surprise. What have you done? You Jerk! She cries. I am pleased to see you naked and laugh. Bye! Be ready by Five.

While driving I call my business partner and best buddy Weston Orlando and informs him that today we have to go for dinner and just called you to remind because I am leaving for a meeting. Why have you schedule a meeting on Sunday? Can’t you relax for a day! he yells at me. You know me when it comes to important venture, I cannot wait for the working days. You should be happy that I have given you weekend off. Thanks a lot buddy! If I would work on Sundays, Carol would kill me and none on the earth could save me not even you, my friend. Alright, ask Carol to come along with you. My dad has invited four of us. I hang up. In minutes I reach the famous hotel of California where Mr Simon was waiting for me.

Hello! Evan Rayson! How are you? Thank you for coming. I really appreciate your dedication towards work. I will be very happy if the famous and the talented architect of the city will design my new house. Oh! Mr. Simon don’t be formal and you know that you are important to me. Your dad and my father were friends and I will be happy to work for you. Let’s discuss the main points and other details you can send to my office. As you know I want you to design my house in Georgia. I have decided to settle down there with my partner Logan. We need a design of sixteen century architecture and as it is a huge area so my partner wants ecological features and the use of Latin marbles. Oh! It sounds interesting. Next week, I will come to your city to see the place and finalise the things. Thank you, Mr. Simon. Please call me Simon only. Okay. My father has called us for a dinner tonight if you wish to please join us in the evening. Thanks for the invitation but not today. Give my regards to Mr Benjamin. Soon I will come to meet him and it is pleasure meeting you.

It is seven in the evening and we four friends gather in a beautiful farm house which is five hundred miles away from California where my father Benjamin and mother Victoria live and enjoy peaceful life. My mother hugs Carol, Weston, Elena and me. We all sit for dinner and seeing all of us together my mother has tears in her eyes and she says that I am pleased to see love birds together. It seems like love is in perfect shape. So, when are you planning to marry? Oh! Come on uncle Ben! Let it be surprise, Am I right Evan! Yes, I am not in a mood to marry now. We are enjoying living together. But my boy I want to see my grandchildren. Victoria says with a smile. Then suddenly there is a knock on the door. It is Sarah, my childhood friend. It is being a long time we haven’t seen each other. We all were surprised to see her. She always looks charming and beautiful as ever. She smiles and we hug each other. I notice the expression of Carol and Elena change as if they have swallowed something bitter.