The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 107 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 107

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 107

Canto CVII. 
Ráma's Speech.
Thus, by his friends encompassed round,

He spoke, and Ráma, far renowned,

To his dear brother thus replied,

Whom holy rites had purified:

“O thou whom Queen Kaikeyí bare

The best of kings, thy words are fair,

Our royal father, when of yore

He wed her, to her father swore

The best of kingdoms to confer,

A noble dowry meet for her;

Then, grateful, on the deadly day

Of heavenly Gods' and demons' fray,

A future boon on her bestowed

To whose sweet care his life he owed.

She to his mind that promise brought,

And then the best of kings besought

To bid me to the forest flee,

And give the rule, O Prince, to thee.

Thus bound by oath, the king our lord

Gave her those boons of free accord,

And bade me, O thou chief of men,

Live in the woods four years and ten.

I to this lonely wood have hied

With faithful Lakshmaṇ by my side,

And Sítá by no tears deterred,

Resolved to keep my father's word.

And thou, my noble brother, too

Shouldst keep our father's promise true:

Anointed ruler of the state

Maintain his word inviolate.

From his great debt, dear brother, free

Our lord the king for love of me,

Thy mother's breast with joy inspire,

And from all woe preserve thy sire.

'Tis said, near Gayá's holy town385

Gayá, great saint of high renown,

This text recited when he paid

Due rites to each ancestral shade:

“A son is born his sire to free

From Put's infernal pains:

Hence, saviour of his father, he

The name of Puttra gains.”386

Thus numerous sons are sought by prayer,

In Scripture trained with graces fair,

That of the number one some day

May funeral rites at Gayá pay.

The mighty saints who lived of old

This holy doctrine ever hold.

Then, best of men, our sire release

From pains of hell, and give him peace.

Now Bharat, to Ayodhyá speed,

The brave Śatrughna with thee lead,

Take with thee all the twice-born men,

And please each lord and citizen.

I now, O King, without delay

To Daṇḍak wood will bend my way,

And Lakshmaṇ and the Maithil dame

Will follow still, our path the same.

Now, Bharat, lord of men be thou,

And o'er Ayodhyá reign:

The silvan world to me shall bow,

King of the wild domain.

Yea, let thy joyful steps be bent

To that fair town to-day,

And I as happy and content,

To Daṇḍak wood will stray.

The white umbrella o'er thy brow

Its cooling shade shall throw:

I to the shadow of the bough

And leafy trees will go.

Śatrughna, for wise plans renowned,

Shall still on thee attend;

And Lakshmaṇ, ever faithful found,

Be my familiar friend.

Let us his sons, O brother dear,

The path of right pursue,

And keep the king we all revere

Still to his promise true.”