The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 110 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 110

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 110

Canto CX. 
The Sons Of Ikshváku.
Then spake Vaśishṭha who perceived

That Ráma's soul was wroth and grieved:

“Well knows the sage Jáváli all

The changes that the world befall;

And but to lead thee to revoke

Thy purpose were the words he spoke.

Lord of the world, now hear from me

How first this world began to be.

First water was, and naught beside;

There earth was formed that stretches wide.

Then with the Gods from out the same

The Self-existent Brahmá came.

Then Brahmá390 in a boar's disguise

Bade from the deep this earth arise;

Then, with his sons of tranquil soul,

He made the world and framed the whole.

From subtlest ether Brahmá rose:

No end, no loss, no change he knows.

A son had he, Maríchi styled,

And Kaśyap was Maríchi's child.

From him Vivasvat sprang: from him

Manu, whose fame shall ne'er be dim.

Manu, who life to mortals gave,

Begot Ikshváku good and brave:

First of Ayodhyá's kings was he,

Pride of her famous dynasty.

From him the glorious Kukshi sprang,

Whose fame through all the regions rang.

Rival of Kukshi's ancient fame,

His heir the great Vikukshi came.

His son was Váṇa, lord of might,

His Anaraṇya, strong in fight.

No famine marred his blissful reign,

No drought destroyed the kindly grain;

Amid the sons of virtue chief,

His happy realm ne'er held a thief,

His son was Prithu, glorious name,

From him the wise Triśanku came:

Embodied to the skies he went

For love of truth preëminent.

He left a son renowned afar,

Known by the name of Dhundhumár.

His son succeeding bore the name

Of Yuvanáśva dear to fame.

He passed away. Him followed then

His son Mándhátá, king of men.

His son was blest in high emprise,

Susandhi, fortunate and wise.

Two noble sons had he, to wit

Dhruvasandhi and Prasenajit.

Bharat was Dhruvasandhi's son:

His glorious arm the conquest won,

Against his son King Asit, rose

In fierce array his royal foes,

Haihayas, Tálajanghas styled,

And Śaśivindhus fierce and wild.

Long time he strove, but forced to yield

Fled from his kingdom and the field.

The wives he left had both conceived—

So is the ancient tale believed:—

One, of her rival's hopes afraid,

Fell poison in the viands laid.

It chanced that Chyavan, Bhrigu's child,

Had wandered to the pathless wild

Where proud Himálaya's lovely height

Detained him with a strange delight.

Then came the other widowed queen

With lotus eyes and beauteous mien,

Longing a noble son to bear,

And wooed the saint with earnest prayer.

When thus Kálindí, fairest dame

With reverent supplication came,

To her the holy sage replied:

“O royal lady, from thy side

A glorious son shall spring ere long,

Righteous and true and brave and strong;

He, scourge of foes and lofty-souled,

His ancient race shall still uphold.”

Then round the sage the lady went,

And bade farewell, most reverent.

Back to her home she turned once more,

And there her promised son she bore.

Because her rival mixed the bane

To render her conception vain,

And her unripened fruit destroy,

Sagar she called her rescued boy.391

He, when he paid that solemn rite,392

Filled living creatures with affright:

Obedient to his high decree

His countless sons dug out the sea.

Prince Asamanj was Sagar's child:

But him with cruel sin defiled

And loaded with the people's hate

His father banished from the state.

To Asamanj his consort bare

Bright Anśumán his valiant heir.

Anśumán's son, Dilípa famed,

Begot a son Bhagírath named.

From him renowned Kakutstha came:

Thou bearest still the lineal name.

Kakutstha's son was Raghu: thou

Art styled the son of Raghu now.

From him came Purushádak bold,

Fierce hero of gigantic mould:

Kalmáshapáda's name he bore,

Because his feet were spotted o'er.

Śankhan his son, to manhood grown,

Died sadly with his host o'erthrown,

But ere he perished sprang from him

Sudarśan fair in face and limb.

From beautiful Sudarśan came

Prince Agnivarṇa, bright as flame.

His son was Śíghraga, for speed

Unmatched; and Maru was his seed.

Prasusruka was Maru's child:

His son was Ambarísha styled.

Nahush was Ambarísha's heir

With hand to strike and heart to dare.

His son was good Nábhág, from youth

Renowned for piety and truth.

From great Nábhág sprang children two

Aja and Suvrat pure and true.

From Aja Daśaratha came,

Whose virtuous life was free from blame.

His eldest son art thou: his throne,

O famous Ráma, is thine own.

Accept the sway so justly thine,

And view the world with eyes benign.

For ever in Ikshváku's race

The eldest takes his father's place,

And while he lives no son beside

As lord and king is sanctified.

The rule by Raghu's children kept

Thou must not spurn to-day.

This realm of peerless wealth accept,

And like thy father sway.”