THE WATER Sorce Is Batter Then Store There books and stories free download online pdf in English

THE WATER Sorce Is Batter Then Store There

befire we move on thus topic, i will put any one exited planet as a model and as per its moon we will take moves on discus,that how and why,there is life not possible!
life circal for water is the most ansd very first or can say fundamentaly need of animets.
we think is supposr there a some store of water and now we can go for live there ,then we will fall a wrong in it.
becouse , there be a store of water and source of it its a deefrant tning.
we all know that thing that where from water source come genrats.
its only from,evaporation of water and wats.
and this evaporation is come only through hit.
we think the watre is the main sorce of life ,but this water also do sorced to some another and alse.and this thing is grrrnery and some weats. and this bouths are comming from guses and gustics.
our gustic system filters some ultra violet rays of sun and through this benifits our greenery come protected by its burns .and very first from this lives our one ideal and systemic gustic system come surculeted.and this surculation giving produces to some new guses wheches are in long life to us.
but we think and ask that where from this greens came and do surrvives in and as the cycle of sun and moons day and night range.wheches are able d,o surrvives in as our days and night.
May be THERE need some another kinds Greenery soppose.!! whuches can able of surrvives in more longer days and nights or shorter or some unevan or unequals then our's.
some how we put our moon for greenery first,then how we will start of think!!.
our moon haves most lowest grevity then us ,then so we can think of our gerrnery,s long life then us but how we will start do there plantetions!!
any way,let's do some more discussion s.
these greenery generate rain and some hill glashiars wheches gives us a permenent source of water and they keep in continue in cycletion it self,autometicaly.
but if they think if they have seen THERE a water and now let's go there in option of our planet earth.
then i must say, stop your bullshit.
if we think the moon,then moon is having most low grevity force then us ,so now what could happen if moon is lower then us in attractions.
now what is initial natur of gas, then it just after leav it start of upper move for how much it possible infinate s. it just will move high,high and High ,untill another attraction power pull it in to tuch it.
but friends here on our planet earth its not heppaning.
becouse of earth grevity pull it at some particular hight and that gas takes u turn and start of comming back to the earth land.
where from suppose it have started of highs. and start of contribute in environmental (gases) group
but our moon dose not haves this attraction facility and may be suppose this couse its gas groups dose not getting back to its land and in some higher infinate s or for some another where for could get fine heads.
and this why moon is deprived by environment group.
we think of earth can grab it only solid things or objects then it no!!
earth can grab it all transparent things and all invisible things too.
how we seeing sky lightning ,comes on earth only .it can not go attracted for another,becouse from the right from its produced earth pull it to its side and it s not going any ather where.
any way we were in discus of stay there.
moon and other planets are suppose not having sufficient anviourment group ,becouse they suppose don't have trees and greenery there.
if there no Greenery then there is no glashiars.
and couse these bouth we will nevar get successes in find out of permenent water source.
so untill space agency s claim of discover greens and glashiars at THERE, don't think that it is appropriate for resident us.
thank you very much .
nirav vanshavalya