Why other relations cant be Divorced books and stories free download online pdf in English

Why other relations can’t be Divorced

Why other relations

can’t be Divorced

-: Writer :-

Suresh R. Karve


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Why other relations can’t be Divorced

While listening to some TV talk show, a thought crossed my mind; why only a Marriage is divorced; why we don’t divorce our parents, or our sister or brother or children.

We may meet or talk or interact and involve less or more with our other relationships but we don’t actually divorce them. We only divorce our spouse/partner.

In every society we give more importance and we take more care in maintaining this husband-wife relationship which is actually an artificially or legally created and accepted relationship. Whereas the relationship which is Natural, which has come to us by default, we tend to abuse that relationship and take it for granted or even some times value it much less than the one born out of this wedlock.

This is really so strange and funny, we don’t like or we can’t tolerate one of our close relatives saying something or ill-treating or insulting or harassing our spouse/partner, at the next given opportunity without considering any thing we are willing and ready to break that Natural ( Brother /Sister/Parents/Children) Relationship, but the reverse is not true; we want to maintain and take care of that Artificially created relationship whose foundation is actually laid on legal system and not on natural love and affection and blood relationship. The Love and affection develops with time, it’s not there from the day one.

The basic difference, as I perceive in these two relations; the Natural one- born out of birth and family and the one- born out of legal wedlock is that; in marriage the two partners are having Physical, Sexual relationships and sexual expectations and desires (emotional need and expectation is also there, but that is there in other relationships also) from each other, whereas that need or expectation does not exist between any other relationship. Secondly there is a huge un-ending, un written and un-documented need and expectation to give and take and share wealth, money, resources, property etc.. throughout the life with that legally bound spouse/partner. And thirdly again an unwritten long term life time commitment to live together and take care of each other

Hence to conclude and summarise; marriage or wedding is a legal arrangement and agreement and artificial relationship, whereas all other relations are Natural and not created. Yet we are societally and morally closely bound to the wedding relationship which comes to us by design; and not to the blood relationships which comes to us by default.

Probably sexual and emotional needs and desires play a bigger role in this whole arrangement.