Madhya's father in English Short Stories by Hitesh Trivedi books and stories PDF | Madhya's father

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Madhya's father

Sapt Par Gaam!

In Saurashtra, a small village playing in the lap of the sea, ten km south-east of Somnath. Sapt Par means seven mercury (part). The crematorium is a short distance away

After the temple of Navdurga, the village is a kilometer away, just like Saptapar village. In the 80's, this village, untouched by the wires of development, was indulging in its own pleasures and had a very different life of manga, rudy and madhyanu. Business Bakalano. Mango needs to dig the field every day

Take Rudy to the city and bring him to Bakal. Rudy's next job too. Akho di 'bakalu veche ne pada badhya garak.

The flow of time has gone by and now it is eight o'clock. When his legs got swollen, the big doctor of the city told him to take Rudy to the big government hospital in Ahmedabad.

Mard mango is broken, pumpkin is cared for in Koliwada but Rudy knows that Rudy knows that God has broken seven mrads. Rudy speaks despite fever and body and breath Gone ".

"But Rudy has gone back to Ahmedabad Lagan to live, little one, who treats us there ?, not even Gawtha Kavadia back". Manga brought out the same confusion.

"If he is confused, Pussy understands Kok Dahya Manah, he is currently with Atasheth". Everyone applauded Rudy's suggestion.

Otamchand Gandhi Wadi is a weaver of a village with a scholarship. A generous, noble and wise man. He does not count the donations made. They came out of the seat of the mansion. Seeing Seth, Manga ran away, grabbed Seth's legs, put him down like a small child and let me cry. What happened, Mangabhai? But who will answer? Maharaj (cook) Batukbhai came out from behind the door hurriedly. Hands entered the lattice.

Accustomed to such occasions, the Maharaja placed the wicker chairs in the pod. Seth and Sethani took their seats. All the Maharaj drank water. Rudy Mahapran said at the end of his talk, "Seth, I don't even fear death, but ask for this medium, little one. This Madhyo too. That I will take you, Boon. I will send you a letter and take you to Ahmedabad in tomorrow's mail. Everything will have to be done there. Yes, Vajeshankar will come with you. " Mandaya Madhyo Amato Monghimano Hewayo also agreed to the talk. Loved it, as if it were the last night of life.

In Saptapar, Paragadh erupted, Mango and Rudy woke up, but who is Nindraj. After cleaning the old bag, Manga filled his clothes. Broken legs, what happens even with shaking hands ... It is a question of dear Rudy's life. Madhya also woke up, Oshiyala Mo was watching everything. Rudy and Manga drank the tea mechanically, Mango went to give money but Yunus put his hand on Madhya's head with a low moe and got away from there.

Time came, a black echo came, Manga put the goods in one with a sigh, Rudy Mahapran sat in one and the manga closed the house by placing Madhaya. Maybe this prayer will work. While Rudi bows from a distance, Vajeshankar shouts from the mansion, "It will be too late now."

Seth's ambassador was standing near the mansion. Drivers Ganpat and Vajeshankar were arranged in front. Going to Ahmedabad with Seth, the helm was in his hands today. Seth opened the door of the motor and went to put Rudy and Manga inside. He said, "Now the responsibility of Madhaya is mine, Mangabhai, Rudiben. Get well soon, let Jagdamba protect everyone." After all the motor was arranged, Sethe said to Vajeshankar, When the master reached, he sent a telegram. When he took it, Jaijanendra. Rudy joined hands with Seth in the manga.

Rasalo reached Ahmedabad by train. Mango seemed to be in a strange world. Rudy's pain was getting worse. Our work is done team to team, the rest of you are not working in such a big village. "

The manager of the sanatorium immediately informed Moti and arranged for the money. In the afternoon, Rudy was taken to Ahmedabad Civil Hospital. Bhatki finally admitted Rudy but the staff did not like Vajeshankar. When Rudy was admitted, he also seemed to have heard the hashtags and said "Hash barely found a place. My son does not answer me either."

After a two-day marathon checkup, Rudy was moved to the Kidney Department. Doctor Parikshat Iyengar finally called Manga and Vajeshankar into the chamber. You find Mango spoke but seeing Vajeshankar's tight bhukti he spoke in a worried voice "What did Saib say Vajubhai, when will Rudy get well". "Let's call Seth" Vajeshankar replied. Now Manga understood the seriousness of the matter.

After sending the manga to Rudy, Vajeshankar connected the phone to the postmaster. After many times, the phone rang again and Seth was talked to. We are called men, even if a mountain of sorrow falls on us, we have to drink a sea of ​​tears and sustain the family qibla.

"It's true Vajubhai, this is Haru Rudy's love for Evo or his father-in-law's, but what happened to my Rudy?"

"If the manga cleanses your blood and makes you urinate, it is kidney KYE. If it is two, yes, it is Kidney's Rudy. .But who is like that

If one's life is in danger for crying, then everything is like this, manga. "

Mango ate Amato Hebat, if there was any doubt in his mind, it came true.

"But Mangabhai has to check his blood and he has to be like E Rudy," Vajeshankar said with a sigh as he got up from the ground. Mango ate gum.

After two days of dialysis, Dr. Parikshat Iyengar calls Vajeshankar and Manga to the chamber. The nurse leads both of them to Saheb.

"No donor found Vajubhai." Vajeshankar remained silent.

"Look we have less time." The doctor said in a slightly warning tone.

Panicked, he said in a firm voice, "I will give you my money, sir."

"It doesn't happen, Manga, you just calm down." Vajeshankar turned to Manga.

Saying "I will try", Vajeshankar raised his hands to the doctor, but Mango did not move. Before Vajeshankar pulled Manga's hand

"Sir, my Rudy was alive. Your doctor checked my blood and told me to give your blood to Rudy. Sir, once you see why my neck is not moving, let me fix my Rudy and do something, sir." Plain gokiro did.

Vajeshankar was agitated but the doctor's eye shone on hearing this "Yes, Mangabhai, let's check".

Eventually the manga was admitted and all the tests were done. The doctor called Vajeshankar, "Yes, brother is also a donor now, and also a patient, so we should not wait any longer."

Vajeshankar Sanand said, "Sir, I thought the manga was nonsense but this is ..."

"It was a sign of God in his speech, Vajubhai. Well, Rudyben will survive because of it. Yes, you will sign the kidney transfer paper and the operation paper or call a member of the household. Now your investment is for a month. Curry.

Vajeshankar ran to call for two days. Several times the post office talked to Seth. Seth hung up the phone asking me to talk tomorrow. Vajeshankar Mujai came back to the sanatorium.

Manga's joy was unparalleled. He would save Rudy. He told Rudy in excitement.

"Bas, madhyana bapu bas, im kaani dhani ni kadni a jivatar kardavan to sohagan marvu saaru, halo aapne gher back, mare eva fatur nat kirvan".

"Im no hale daini, marvani vatu kav kare rudy. Mand kari tara jivatarno jugaad thiyo se. Have manugi raheje hain. Baki mara hum se".

"I don't want to do this, take the lord's hand and let go of the bhav, and if anything happens to you, you will know the middle of me," Rudy insisted.

"If you don't take the rope, your forest will be mine," Manga asked.

The night passed. Manga was given a bed next to Rudy.

During the doctor's visit in the morning, Rudy sang the same tune again.

"Rudyben married to get divorced?"

"No, but I'm worried about it, should a healthy person be treated like this, sir?" Rudy replied angrily to the doctor.

"Trust me and have faith in God that nothing will happen to you or your brother-in-law," the doctor reassured.

"I'm sure Rudy, Ben." Dodi clung to Rudy. Everyone's eyes became soft. They got acquainted with the doctor. Vajeshankar was hashed.

Our Rudiben operation takes place, Modi and Seth's persuasion change Rudibun's neck, after a five-hour marathon operation and ACU, Rudy and Mango are declared safe. Seth returns with his cavalry.

Madhya now went to a new school with a new look and culture, got together with new friends but sometimes Rudy remembers Mango as if time was running out. It was more fun to help with Seth's business, but Moghima Paran taught and also had to go to tuition. The talk stuck in the heart of Madhya.

After three months, ask Rudy to return to Sapt Par village with Vajeshankar in a new incarnation. But now he is unable to do heavy work like wages. With the help of Seth's advice, the business of brokerage of Bakala is started.

Mango just wanted Rudy to grow up under the watchful eye of Madhyo Mandhi. .

"Yes, I asked for Katie, but you don't know me" Rudy seemed to be overwhelmed.

Five years have passed and the waves have hit the shores of Sapt Par. Madhva has now started going to high school.

But the sun of that day was a little different. In the village Gokiro happened, Kalu talked to Rudy and Madhya to Moghi. The talk reached Seth's ear. Tankan was not even Ganpat. .

Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i'll tell ya.

"If there is a hole in the karma, it is the name of the one who digs from the pile, dear," said Seth Lambat in a loud voice, breaking the brakes with great disbelief.

Mango was on oxygen in the ICU of Ramgarh Civil. The doctor told Seth that "there is only one kidney and it has also failed due to injury. No chance to survive. You meet, time is short".

Seth, Ma and Madhyo meet Manga. Ma and Seth join hands and point to Mango Madhav but can't speak, looking at Rudy's face, the final victory seems ... , Everyone's eyes are dripping, invincible only Rudy is a living inanimate idol.

Mangabhai's actions went unnoticed, Rudy remained stunned. According to the doctors, this has happened due to deep trauma. His mental condition may deteriorate, all attempts to make Rudy cry have failed. A nest was set up. Rudy also lost Madhya. Sometimes Madhya would be chased out of the house and sometimes she would go to Seth's mansion and fall in love with Madhya very much. Rather than caring for Mondhi, the rest of the village took pity.

But on that late night of winter, Seth's mansion came on the vertical road of Sapt Par, shouting Rudi in the cold, shouting and shouting, "He has come to take my Madhyana Bapu, I have to go, I have to go, I have to go to Madhyana Bapu's hire tomorrow". With a happy face handing over to an expensive mother who loves Madhya, with a look of fear, "Enjoy my Madhaya's father's gift to you in Leo, have fun." Less pude, my stomach ".

Madhav was scared of Rudy for the first time today, he hid behind Moghima.

The paragad has not erupted yet in Sapt Par. "A Monghi, A Madhav". Yes.

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Today, Dr. Madhav Otamchand Gandhi, a renowned urologist, is the director of the Gandhi Hospital at Rudy Mansion in Sapt Par and conducts a kidney check-up camp every Sunday.

Jay Somnath when Leo