Empathy In A Company For Growth. in English Motivational Stories by Manik Sinha books and stories PDF | Empathy In A Company For Growth.

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Empathy In A Company For Growth.

Need of Empathy in a Company.

A company's ability to understand the thoughts, feelings, motivations, motives , and conditions of others - Be it employees, partners, stakeholders, customers or communities . Knowing one and behaving accordingly keeping in mind the sentiment, gives encouraging results.
Empathy is a key part of emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness. Demonstrating Empathy improves relationship and can lead to positive outcomes, both at work and in the community.
Change management or reorganization at work place when routed through empathetical approach, can accomplish fruitful interactive conversations with decision makers, reduce worry , uncertainty, and increase trust within an organization giving positive results.

A positive approach towards the employees by the employers leads to better bonding relationship open interactions and commitment to the organisation. It reduces the attrition rate which is one of the vital concern of the employers. Investment on human resource multiplies in search of right man for the right job.The uncertainty of the new comer joining at a higher compensation still remains unanswered. The adaptability of the organisational environment and culture have different impacts on the new comer.
Understanding your own existing employees and training them with new desired skills will not only boost their morale but also strengthen the bonding relationship with the employer. This in turn would lead to improvement in the effeciency , productivity and profitability.Retention of committed employees would reduce the turnover percentage and increase employees satisfaction index. Remember a happy employee is a committed employee giving more than expected outcomes.
The company's success and growth depends on the following :
1.Understanding the mindset of the employees.
2. Feeling their needs.
3. Being empathetical.
4. Giving respect to each other.
5. Recognition of good work done.
6. Concern for their safety and social security.
7. Patient listening .
8. Involving them in decision making.
9. Involving them in change management.
10. Encouraging them towards creativity and innovation.

If you take care of them the employees
1. Will not leave the organisation, that will reduce the hiring cost and the retention cost.
2. The commitment level will go up resulting to dedicated employees putting in 100% effort .
3. Enhanced skills would improve optimization of work and time , quality and efficiency.
4. Will strengthen team work and team bonding giving the desired output.
5. Dedicated employees will improve the name and fame of the company as they would turn out to be the brand ambassador of the company.
6. High % of retention of employees, increase in profitability and sustainability of business would attract new stakeholders and investors.
7. Cost reduction in manpower planning and wastage in production by improving efficiency.
8. Building a cordial environment and culture leading to growth and sustainence of the company
9. Building precious ,talented and committed employees ready to take any competitive challenges for the growth of the company.

Just as the employers invest in financial capital, they need to think on similar lines for human capital too. For this they have to value the cost of every hour lost by human being. Optimising and appropriately utilising the human capital will result in better results favourable for the company.
Care for the people will yield better results and better profitability in the future and in long run.