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SirG And Missi - 5 - Last Part

There chats were not as usual as happier used to do they both become bg on something and gave less time to eachother .SirG said with a heavy heart missi if you go away from meh it will make hard to live for me because morning to night I just want to see your message see your presence i just want you for forever but he know he can't keep her forever with him but also he just express his feeling towards her saying he will always miss her, he is ready to wait for her whole life,he wants to grow old with her, he wants to cry laugh share everything with her ,he always wait for her message in the absent of her he reads our conversation n smile❣️. Shila also wants the same life with him he is the only one that person who start the day with hi,hey,hello of every morning she never want he to become her bye. but she wants to be first mature and she wants to make him happy for rest of the life she thinks that if she accept now this relationship then she will not get success to make him happy cuz she's behaviour is too childish,irresponsible which don't match to be her girl.Soo first she will be able to be a perfect girl then only will be his partner Missi.
From the starting som used to say he wants to meet her because of the distance they can't meet ,shila also wants to meet him and had a tea/coffee together cuz both are tea lover(cheers sirG)🤭.One day shila said to him may be I will come to Ilam with my friends and we will meet there som replied with some jokes-okey If you come then I will give you a ride in my bike,shila replied no I don't agree,then again he replied-then i will bring horse for you to ride 😁, shila replied with a big smile no thankyou,again he replied-okey then i will give you cycle ride 😅is it okay..??she replied okey whatever you want but first let me plan and again som said no missi I know this day are never gonna come I will not keep more expectations cuz its hurt a lot And yeah this day never came in thier life. Som and Shila when ever talk with eachother they both found much more happiness but had to accept the fact they are not going to be in a relationship because of shila cuz shila don't wanna be in a long distance relationship.
So, sirG had to accept that we didn't get what all we want sometime karma decide ,your missi is always sorry for you sirG. Shila knows very well that she will not gonna found a guy like him loving,caring,n make her happy like he used to keep and the main thing no one will said missi like him and she's not gonna give anybody to take that place cuz sirG is only the one who can say her Missi. Som also cried for her missi but he can't do anything cuz they both have their different different destination which he should let her go ,he also not gonna get that vibe which shila used to say sirG to him. (2nd Jan )SirG suggest song to missi (Timle tw hoinw nepali song)saying In my heart for you I have too much respect I can't describe my feeling towards you by saying this song will define my love, respect for you then she open the link and listen she can't hold her tears she didnt say anything then she also suggest him a song (Jashn-E-Bahaaraa) after that sirG decide not to talk with eachother for forever cuz he knows now nothing gonna happen between them, missi had no words to say she just only said okey then he leave a last message for her missi (I love you missi🤭) she wants to replied with many more words but she can't if she then she know again thats words will hurt him a lot soo she replied (Thankyou soo much sirG for everything) then with a heavy heart sirG blocked missi 💔 .The next morning both lost thier happiness both cried a lot for eachother but the fact they are not together thier wonderful memory are only with them.
SirG always asked shila what did you wish but she never told she always wish 11:11 to give strength to sirG to wait for meh cuz she wants to make (Som and Shila together Somshila ❤️ )that's why she always say to him let's see in future but who knows that they end thier relation too soon.
In memory of sirG she just have his send messages, suggested songs which she had download and listen everyday and that sky blue gift rapper which she has kept with her💙
And the girl shila who is still missing him a lot is the one who is writing this story. SirG one day I may die without saying goodbye to you but I will never forget to say thankyou because you hold the most loveliest part of my life <3 🥰 You will be always in my favourite person list sirG 🦋
Some stories have no ending they are just left in midway with a silent goodbye......
'Basant Baharaima timilaii khojxu mah'
'Timile malai bolauda sansarai vulchhu mah'
"GURASAI PHULYO" I ended up this story with this song sirG I hope you will never look back for your past Always go ahead.. "I WILL MISS YOU A LOT" sirG🦋
SirG...🪶 & Missi... 💙
So,Som and Shila story ended up here not hoping that it will be end soo soon but it is what it is should accept the thing around. If possible like it and rate it please provide your valuable feedback on the same Thankyou
-The End-