Love Since Childhood - Part 7 in English Fiction Stories by Aamir Siddiqui books and stories PDF | Love Since Childhood - Part 7

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Love Since Childhood - Part 7

Mr Goga was in trauma since he had returned after visiting mr Dabbu's home.

Infact every member of his family was upset for what had happened to him.

The way Mr Dabbu treated thier father was condemnable . Galla the elder brother of Hira was ultra furious.

"Papa don't think so much just chill down, we would neither move back from our stand nor compromise with Mr Dabbu, just let the court decision come out," Galla cheering up, said to his father.

"Yes beta you're right, we should hire a smart advocate to deal with the case," Mr Goga said, getting relaxed.

Next day uncle Dabbu went to Hira's home but Galla seeing him at his house door, denied him to enter into house.

"Papa does neither want to talk to you nor see you at all," saying this Galla made Mr Dabbu return back.

Mr Dabbu had to go back hopelessly.
Hira and Geet was too worried, thinking what would be out come of their love, "if it would be going on like this between our family."

Next day they both arrived at the college , seeing Geet, Hira moved towards Geet speedily.

" Hey how are you Geet?" Hira asked surprisingly.

Geet seeing Hira all of sudden before her, got wondered, and happy too.

" Happy to see you my Hiroo," Geet said energetically. "by the way I am not fine,getting a little sad," Geet said.

Hira, "why!".

Geet looking at the scratches over Hira's face, "if you're not okay, how would I be fine?" Geet said.

Hira having a cute smiling, and confidence over his face, "nothing yaar its just tiny wound which would get erased soon."

"Yaar I am really very ashamed, thinking about what has taken place yesterday in our families," Geet told.

Hira getting calm, "just chill yarr, our families are strong enough to deal with such tiny thing, just forget about these all."

Geet began to laugh seeing Hira's such cool and calm behavior.

Then they both went to sit at meadow.

They had been bloomed again after meeting each other, they were laughing with wholeheartedly, as if nothing had happened yesterday.

Seeing them in such mood all of their well-wishers, friends too came to join them.

"Yaar I got delighted the moment I heard, that Tony has been beaten too," Laughing Geet, said funnily. Hearing her all of them started laughing making fun of Tony.

Anyway Hira and Greet spent a nice time together in the college.

Coming out of the college building Geet showed her phone to Hira, saying "now its with me again." She was smiling, Hira was getting glad seeing Geet's smile.

Whispering Geet " hey Hiroo call me tonight," Geet said to Hira.

They both came upto the intersection together then they headed towards thier own way saying, "bye, bye take care".

Tony was already present at intersection sitting in a tea shop with his fractured hand. He got jealous seeing Hira and Geet together again.

Over time, every thing became normal but Hira's Father and his elder brother Galla was still angry with Dabbu uncle for his misbehavior.

Hira and Geet's relationship was going smooth.

They would meet in the college in the day and have conversation over the phone at every night.

They had completed their intermediate. Now they were deciding what to do further so that they could study together.

Hira's father Mr Goga didn't want Hira, to maintain his relationship with Geet onward because of Geet's father. So Mr Goga made a plan in order to get Hira separated from Geet.

Therefore he told Hira to take Admission in engineerin college in Delhi.

As soon as Hira heard the word Delhi got shocked thinking, "how would he be able to stay so far from his love Geet?.

"Papa please don't send me Delhi to study engineerin," Hira having a crying face requested his Papa.

Hira started pleading before Papa " if you want me to pursue engineerin, I would take admission in nearby College but please let me stay with Mumma" said Hira.

Papa knew the reason why Hira was refraining from going to Dehli.

"Betaa as we all know, being a man one-day we have to leave our family to make carrier," Making Hira understand Papa told Hira politely.

Papa explained him the difference between nearby College and Delhi's engineerin college.

Ultimately Hira had no any genuine excuse to stay at home so he had to leave for Delhi.

Geet had been alone without Hira.

She had also got admission for graduation in a nearby College. She would feel boring while studying.

She always used to miss Hira. Every night she would tell Hira over the phone about her whole day activities.

Whenever Geet asked Hira " when will you come at home?" Always Hira would tell her, that first He will get job after completing engineerin then come to her parents to ask her hand.

Hearing this Geet used to be happy.

She was praying to God to get Hira's engineerin done, as soon as possible.

Now Hira had completed his engineering degree.

Geet had finished her graduation too, one year early than Hira.

Now it had been one year since Geet had been staying at home completing education.
Hira had started searching jobs but there was no vacancies in government sectors since current government had come into the power.

He tried his best to get job but because of the shortage of employment he couldn't get job for one year.

Geet was getting depressed due to every week some one came her home to talk about her marriage. Many good proposals had come for Geet, even Tony had sent a marriage proposal too.

Geet had been fed up of refusing many Proposals.

Hira was still jobless, hearing such news regarding Geet's marriage proposals, Hira started going though depression.

Geet's parents also got disappointed by Hira's unemployment.

They couldn't wait anymore further because their Daughter was already 23 years old, over and above, there were many other proposals too for Geet more better than Hira.

So Geet's parents began to pressurize her to forget Hira, and get married anyone of those good suits.

Geet had stood stern on her commitment.

Being honest she had warned her parents very clearly, if they would talk her to marry someone else then she will commit suicide.

Hira was struggling to get job but completely failed to find.

Seeing his condition Hira's mom would pamper him.

She always used to instruct him not to get depressed, disappointed.

She used to make Hira think positive.

Hira had lost his hope for getting job now.