Love Since Childhood - Part 8 in English Fiction Stories by Aamir Siddiqui books and stories PDF | Love Since Childhood - Part 8

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Love Since Childhood - Part 8

Geeet's parents started taunting her for Hira's sitting home without work.

Now they had given an ultimatum to Geet "if Hira gets job within this year then okay otherwise we will get you married with Tony," Her Father said, giving her warning.

Tony had got job with the source of his father's contacts with the people who are in the government's system.

Now both Hira and Geet were going through a tremendous trauma.

Situation was as if they would never get together.
Hira got afraid thinking these all.

He was so upset that day sitting in a restaurant sipping tea.
Meantime one of his childhood friend named Zaheer entered into the restaurant.

As soon as Zaheer saw Hira he scramed towards Hira.
" Hey Hira how are you my friend?" Asked smiling Zaheer warmly.
Looking at him Hira got surprised " hey Zaheer I am good, you tell me, where were you? Long time no see? " Getting excited Hira asked Zaheer.

Zaheer told Hira that his father moved to mumbai very long back along with his all family, Zaheer brought up and completed his education in Mumbai.

Now he was doing job in Dubai. " Last month I have come in India on vacation so thought to visit my birth place, and see my childhood memories," Zaheer said gently.

In fact Zaheer knew about Hira and Geet's relationship so he asked Hira about his love.

Hira told Zaheer about the condition of his life and his love.
Listening Hira's problems Zaheer expressed his empathy.
He said compassionately " look Hira You are my childhood friend, you're like my brother, so I always stand by you, if you want to work in abroad then I could help you?.

Hearing this Hira said immediately "yes I will".

Zaheer asked Hira's CV and other necessary documents and did mail sitting on the spot to Dubai his boss.

Within five minutes Boss called back to Zaheer asked about Hira.

Zaheer told his boss about Hira that Hira is a laborious and responsible person.

Zaheer made his Boss trust over Hira.

Next day a mail came on Hira's Gmail account that " Mr Hira you have been selected in our company for the post of a mechanical engineering, and your salary would be RS*50,000 as per Indian currency" seeing this Hiraa got super excited he was jumping.

First of all he dialed Zaheer's number and thanked him a lot.
Then made a call to Geet, told her everything they both were so happy.

Next week Zaheer's company sent Visa and air ticket for Hiraa on his Mail account.

Hira started preparing to leave, before leaving Hira met Geet and promised her to come back soon.
Finally he left India with the hope of earning money so that he could ask Geet's hand from her parents.
No doubt Hiraa earned a plenty of money and made many properties.
He got a beautiful bungalow built thinking to dwell with Geet in it.
It had been two years living in Dubai now Hira's company had allowed him to go for vacation granting him all dues clear.

But unfortunately it was getting postponed because of the COVID all flights were shutdown. Hira was waiting for the circumstances to be normal eagerly.

He was excited to go back India but he couldn't go due to the transportation had already stuck.

All Members of both the family were getting anxious for Hira's retuning home.

Finally after one year some airlines started their flights from dubai to India.

Hearing this news Hiraa got super excited, he booked tickets online quickly and bought some expensive gifts for his love Geet.
It was the day which he & her love had been waiting for.
His dream was about to come true ultimately . Next day Zaheer took him to airport to see off him.

" Bye bro, take care" Zaheer said.

" Yeah bro thanks, bye see you soon, " saying this they both hugged each other and then Hira entered into the airport premises dragging his luggage's trolley.

Zaheer kept on waving his hand until Hira became disappeared from eyesight.

Any way Hira started his most awaited journey sitting in an airplane.

Plane was about to take off, Hira was looking extremely happy.

He had been bloomed thinking about the loved ones who were waiting for him eagerly.
He could visualize the scenes of happiness sitting in the plane what was suppose to occur after reaching at home.

Finally within three hours he arrived at Delhi airport his elder and younger brother both had already come at the airport waiting for his flight,s arrival for hours.
Seeing them after so long Hira's tear rolled down from his eyes.
Seeing him, Galla and Rinku couldn't resist themselves too, Their eyes also got wet.

Then these three brothers hugged each other met wholeheartedly, they were too delighted for being together once again.
The environment over there had been a little bit emotional for a while.
Next they loaded all the stuff and luggage into the car and headed towards home.

Eventually by morning they reached out to home.
Getting out of the car as soon as Hira looked at his Mom he ran rapidly towards Mom and embraced her, seeing him Mom began to cry.
As early as Papa heard the sound of van's he came out immediately seeing mother son's visual he got emotional too.

His eyes got misty with tears, saying " ohh my beloved son' he hugged Hira and kissed on beloved son's forehead with love.
They all were glad for getting together.
This occasions was more significant than even any festival for the entire family.

Hira was too curious to see Geet but couldn't express the state of his heart because his father was still upset with Geet's father.

Whole family had breakfast together.
After having breakfast Papa left for office.

Every member of Hiraa's family was sitting surrounded him. Looking at him with love and affection.
" Tell me Beta, how was the experience of living in a foreign country?' and how did you spend such long time without us" Momma asked curiously.

Hira started narrating his story of staying in abroad for three years, he told them about every challenging moment in the beginning.

He told them, the moment Hira would be in difficulties then how Zaheer used to help him. He recounted that Zaheer was always with him, he never let Hira feel alone.

Hira kept on telling them about each funny incident what he experienced, every body was laughing listening Hira's funny tales.

Hera was feeling so peaceful and satisfied so he kept on recalling his experiences.
All of sudden he got emotional and silent too while speaking, everyone was looking at him surprisingly.
" Hey Hira, tell what happened further?" Mom asked.

"With stuttering voice, Momma I can't tell you further because I'm missing Geet a lot now, I'm feeling incomplete without her, I can't live without her," Hira spoke out he started crying bitterly holding Mom's hand.

Everybody got agonized seeing Hira's condition. Mom also began to cry holding him in her arms.
" Don't worry my son, I also want Geet to be my daughter inlaw, she is my favorite girl, I like her too" mom said assuring Hira.
Everyone was consoling him.

Everyone in the family had been agree now with Hira except his father.
Mom promised Hira to go to Geet's home to aske her hand from her parents after convincing Mr Goga.

Hira was waiting impatiently for his father to come back.
Finally Papa had come back from the office, whole family was sitting collectively waiting for dinner.