Just friends. - Season 1 - Episode 5 in English Drama by Melodypriston. books and stories PDF | Just friends. - Season 1 - Episode 5

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Just friends. - Season 1 - Episode 5

Icey: nothing here is your snacks.
Ronakk: hmm... 'takes the snack'
Icey: well so lets start our project?
Ronakk: turn on the tv.
Icey: why!?
Ronakk : If you want me to do your project , turn it on
Icey: ugh , you freaking -
Ronak : alright fine i will leave then
Icey: noo no i am sorry.
Icey turns on the tv*
Ronakk: givee the remote.
Icey: ugh ."gives it "

A few seconds later.
After the project is FINALLY done.
Icey: now out of my house.
Ronakk: what!?
Icey: your done now right !? Leave!
Ronakk : ugh fine.
Ronakk leaves.
Gets a call from her mother*
Icey picks up
Icey: hey... Mom?
Mother: hello. Icey. I am coming home from Italy its been days since we chatted isn't it?
Icey: really!?
Mother: yea.
Icey: why mom!?
Mother: what fo you mean why!?
Icey: nothing ... So when exactly are you coming?
Mother: well tomorrow morning. Tell your sisters.
Icey: okay.
Mother ends the call.
Icey seems flustered.
Icey: musica!?
Musica: yea?
Icey: mom will be coming home from Italy.
Icey: tell melody and abby.
Musica : okay.
Icey: i will clean the house.
Musica : okay.
AT home
Icey: get up musica and abby!
Melody : ohh mom is gonna be here any time now!
After abby and musica gets ready
Abby: no school today?
Musica: no my Little ladybug..
Abby: okay.
MelodyPOV: "her little ladybug " but for us "big chimpanzee"
Icey: well.... She will be coming any minute now...
Melody opens the door.
Mother: hello 👋 kidss!!
All: mother!
All of them hugged their mother.
Mother: you still haven't changed since i left musica...
Musica: what can i say? I guess. I still am great full to my sisters after all you left and gave us no money to compensate...
Mother: Do Not Speak To Your Mother Like That!
Musica: i think you are dead
Mother: huh!?
Melody: musica calm down
Musica: no i wont.
She left us all .... To her new boyfriend who got her nothing but another baby , where is that chick huh?
You came here to leave that here too?
Mom: actually... Yes i couldn't possibly take care of it i am pretty busy
Melody: WHAT!?
Abby: what the actual hell are you talking about!?
Mother : listen girls your mother is getting old and tired of making money .
Melody: so?
Mother : so take care of your brother *hands the baby to icey*
Icey: he is kind of cute tho
Melody: no icey. Give that thing back to her!
Icey: but he is our brother...
Abby: maybe this time i will side with Icey, he is our brother.
Musica: ok so you are saying that we have to take care of your MISTAKES!?
Mother: it is NOT a mistake.
Musica: it technically is .
Melody: i wish father was alive and you were dead.
Mother: i will be leaving.
Mother leaves
Icey: he is ... Our brother ... Lets take care of him heartfelt and show no hatred towards him...?
Musica: yea... We will.
Melody: No I WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF THIS SHIT she left for us.