The Last Promise - Chapter 2 in English Short Stories by Tushar Chaudhary books and stories PDF | The Last Promise - Chapter 2

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The Last Promise - Chapter 2

Kulwant Singh is crying with all his sorrows, when suddenly he hears a voice from behind saying, "Hey Kulwant Kaur Singh!" Kulwant Singh turns around and sees Pratap Singh Chauhan standing behind him. At first, seeing Pratap Singh, Kulwant Singh fills with joy, but after a while, seeing the torn clothes due to Pratap Singh Chauhan's gunshot, Kulwant Singh realizes that it's just a delusion in her mind. However, after pouring out all her pain and sorrow, Kulwant Singh insists that Pratap Singh lied to her, "Miku, you lied to me. You said you would come, but you didn't."
Then Pratap Singh says, "Kammo, I've been hurt. Kammo, it hurts." But Kulwant Singh keeps repeating the same thing, "You lied to me, Miku, you lied to me." Pratap Singh repeats the same, "Kammo, I've been hurt, it hurts." But Kulwant Singh isn't ready to listen to his words. That's when Pratap Singh grabs Kulwant Singh and says, "Look, I've been hurt, Kammo. Hit my wounds, press on them, it hurts a lot. If you don't press on my wound, their pain doesn't lessen."
Kulwant Singh then recalls an old memory where Little Pratap Singh was crying due to a finger injury. 15 years ago, Kulwant Singh was preparing lunch in her kitchen when she heard Pratap Singh crying. She went outside and saw Little Pratap Singh holding his finger, crying. She approached him and asked, "What happened?" Little Pratap Singh said, "I got hurt, Kammo, it hurts." At that moment, Kulwant Singh said, "Show me, let me see." She then saw a small cut on his finger and chuckled, saying, "This is all it takes, soldier-to-be." Little Pratap Singh said, "But it still hurts, Kammo." Kulwant Singh then assured him, "Alright, I'll treat your pain now," and she blew on his finger, asking, "Is it better now?" Little Pratap Singh started giggling as Kulwant Singh tickled his finger, and the two mother and son laughed together.
In the present day, as Kulwant Singh thinks about these moments, Pratap Singh once again says, "Kammo, I've been hurt, press on it, Kammo." Kulwant Singh realizes that the situation is different today, so she suddenly gets up while crying and starts blowing on Pratap Singh's wounds, blowing harder and harder. Pratap Singh hugs her and sits down, saying, "It's okay now, my child." Both mother and son hug tightly and cry together.
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I'm excited to announce that the next chapter will be released on September 6th. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more exciting updates!
Thank you for your support,
Tushar Chaudhary
And yes thes my first if you guys give me a great
Response than I can go further and write my amazing story so pls give your comments and ratings thankyou and stay tuned